A Spoilt Brat They Met

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Hello! This is Aki! I hope you enjoy what Kari and I have written! Ttyl!♥


Allen sighed at the booming voice of his supposed 'watch dog', who, in his defence watches him like a hawk 24/7. "Yes, Link?" The teen strained a smile, hiding his annoyance by touching his tone with a sweet one. An overly sweet one.

The Crow member seemed to be unfazed by Allen's annoyance and narrowed his eyes into dangerous slits. "Komui requested for you. And only you and your...friends." The man spat out the word with such venom that it slightly stung the young teen, but kept on his smile even though twitched lightly. "Thank you, Link. I'll be on my way." And with that Allen left his room.

"Komui-san?" Allen piped up from his place on the couch between Lenalee and Lavi. He had arrived by Komui's office a few minutes ago along with Kanda, Lenalee and Lavi. And through those minutes everyone was silent. Dreadfully silent that Komui didn't even burst into hysterics when Allen sat beside his dear sister.


Allen snapped his attention to the supervisor, who looked very serious. Something was going on.

"Kanda. Lavi. And Lenalee."

Each teen addressed locked their gazes on the beret wearing man, his glasses reflecting the light of the room. The atmosphere was tense, too tense for anyone's good that you could slice it up with a knife.

Finally, and thankfully, the silence was broken by Komui clearing his throat and explaining about their mission. "The Pope" Komui and the other occupants of his office narrowed their eyes at the title "said that some finders sighted Noahs and many Akuma activities took place in Russia. They assumed that perhaps the Heart was found."

The four teens widened their eyes, skeptical. The Heart? Found that easily? There was no way. But then again, if it were true, then humanity would cease to exist.

"So...It's just a grab and go back mission?" Allen spoke up after a few moments of rueful silence, fiddling with the hem of his exorcist coat.

Komui shook his head gravely. "Not particularly just that. There are Noahs. If you bump into one of them, stick together and fight. But if others decide to join in, contact the Order and back up will be in your way."

The four exorcists spared each other a last glance before nodding at Komui, standing up. "So, when do we go for Russia?"

"Today. And the Pope allows you access to the Ark. And Link won't be involved. Don't worry, Leverrier's right hand man knew before we did."

Allen blinked incredulously before nodding dumbly.

"Are you all ready?" Komui inquired, adjusting his glasses as he glanced at the four young exorcists. Allen smiled and nodded, Kanda just gave his signature 'che', Lavi grinned enthusiastically while Lenalee nodded her head in determination.

"Right then, be safe on your journey, you four!" That was what reached the four exorcists ears before they fully entered the Ark.

As always, the Ark was white, squeaky clean as if nothing had stepped foot in it. Allen and his companions walked up to a white door without any numbers or anything that indicated it has pin pointed a location.

Humming a familiar tune, Allen thought of Russia. But something was wrong. He suddenly felt a hard throb in his head. And he felt...a disconnection to something. Something...big.

"Allen-kun, what's happening?!" "Allen! Oi!" "Baka moyashi, snap out of it!" And Allen opened his eyes, only to retaliate and wince at the bright light. All he saw was white, before the complete opposite consumed him.

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