Part 1- After Charlie Left.

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The day after Charlie left, things were crazy for the Red Banders.

Jordi went in for his surgery the morning after and came out fine. In fact, Dr. McAndrew found out that even though Jordy's cancer was the exact same as Leo's, it was on a much smaller scale and lowered the chance of a reoccurring problem in the longrun. Just 3 days later, he returned to Mexico with his grandmother.

Kara was released from the hospital the day after Jordi's surgery. Even though it was a further drive than usual in the morning's, she attended a high school near Ocean Park for the remainder of her Senior year. After that, she found an apartment a few blocks behind the hospital and began working as a nurse for Ocean Park. She also became more down to earth, yet in a real, pessimistic way; and she claimed it was the effect from having Hunter's heart. Since she had Hunter's heart, she also entered a rehab program to give up all drug habits she developed at her old High School.

Dash continued living at the hospital until he was 18. Even after a few health problems, he remained up to his usual hospital antics. When he left the hospital, a place he spend most of his life already, he knew that he most likely wouldn't live past 40 thanks to Cystic Fibrosis.

After Emma's family weekend, she remained at the hospital for a couple more weeks. She repaired her relationship with her mother, and by doing this, Emma and her mother had lunch together in the cafeteria of the hospital everyday, and continued to do the same when she returned back home and started a homeschooling program. She started by eating small things- A few pieces of fruit, a bag of chips, or a chocolate chip cookie, but then began eating regular sized meals within weeks.

Things for Leo, however, weren't so good.

A few weeks after Charlie left, Leo was still somewhat healthy and didn't let any news he recieved about his newly found cancer devastate him. That is, until he fell.

On the night Emma was leaving, Dash and Leo had planned a goodbye party on the roof of Ocean Park. On his way to the elevator on his floor, he had fallen. The floors weren't slippery and he only lost his balance due to a pulsing pain in his remaining leg. Nurse Jackson and Nurse Brittany rushed to him, and helped him back to his room. The pain was still in Leo's leg, so he took the pain medication that Nurse Jackson left for him and notified Emma and Dash what happened.

The next morning, Dr. McAndrew ran some tests. He saw that Leo's cancer had spread from his lungs to other parts of his body, including his real leg. Dr. McAndrew was out of options for Leo, and instead gave him a life expectancy of a month at the most. This is not something McAndrew wanted to do, but the test treatment for the lungs didn't work and the cancer was spreading at a rapid pace.

Leo was then bedridden, and back to his silence and depression. About three weeks later, he had been falling in and out of consciousness, as well as having his lungs failing. Breathing from tubes, his last day on Earth was emotional. Emma, Jordi, and Kara had come back to the hospital to be at his side, as well as his parents, Dash, Dr. McAndrew, and Nurse Jackson. Although his condition was worsening, he broke his silence by giving out personal letters to everybody in the room that he had written after he fell.


When you first came to this hospital, I was relieved that I was not the only person here with the same exact cancer. Then, you miraculously got better and I didn't. I will always envy you for that, you bastard. But either way, thank you for being my roommate here and for putting me in a position where I was no longer alone. Even if you still hate me over Emma, you will always be my friend.



Even though you were a bitch, I am very honored to have met you. And also very honored to lose my virginity to you, even though it was a mistake. I hope you find someone who loves you like Hunter did...or ya know, die alone with 10 cats and a house full of junk. Either way, I'm glad you found a heart.



Thanks for doing stupid things with me. If it wasn't for you, I would have been sitting in my room alone during my whole entire hospital stay. I never had a friend like you until I came here, and I love you for that man. I hope once I'm gone, you and Jordi bond like me and you did. Jordi needs a good friend.



Emma, I love you. I always have and I always will. I'm sorry that I slept with Kara, it was a mistake and if I could take it back, I would. Although I won't lie to you, it was great. If you find that you made a mistake choosing to be with me instead of Jordi, then be with him. He's a better guy to be with, I promise. I'm glad you have overcome your disorder, and I am proud to see you be healthy again. Thanks again for being my first love, Emma.


"Nurse Jackson,

Thank you for keeping me and Dash from doing stupid stuff. At first I thought you were a raging bitch, but now I see that you were helping us. It still scares me to know that you almost lost your job here. These children need a nurse like you.


"Dr. McAndrew,

Thank you for doing all you could to keep me healthy. You did everything in your power, and I don't want you to think any of this is your fault. It was my fate to end up like this.


Everybody read their letters and either smiled or cried.

The next day, Leo passed away, and within a week he was laid to rest at the same cemetary Hunter is buried at.

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