Pipi x Ryuto

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Art not by me

  Pipi's POV

I was in the Gaming Club room
After i finished a round of Sonic 1, i heard someone coming to me. I looked at my right and saw the one and only Ryuto, sitting next to me

"Hey, you have a pretty good score" he said smiling
"Oh, thanks Ryuto-kun" i said looking away as i felt a smile growing on my face
"Hey, wanna play the new released game?" He asked
I looked at him
"S-sure, how's it called?"
"Sounds interessting, let's put a bet"
"A bet?" He asked
"Yes, a bet. If i get a better score than you then you have to do my homework for 1 week" i said
"And what if i win?" Ryuto asked
I shruged
"I don't know, what ever you want" i said
"What ever i want? Alright" he said smirking

Meanwhile i was about to beat his high score , but he looked so sad he couldn't win, that it maked me feel bad for him. I don't want to make him sad, he's my.... crush after all. Don't laugh at me ok?! He's... in a way attractive, and kind and-
I loose the game
"Ohh... i loose" i said a bit sad
"Yeah! I win! C'mon don't be sad" he said smiling, a lot
"So, what do you want me to do?" I asked looking at him in his eyes
"Hmm.." he stayed a moment to thing then spoke again
"A sleepover. At my house today at six" he said
"Why couldn't you just ask me?"
"Because.... i thought you had some plans.."
"Ok, so at six i'll be at your place"

   Time skip to Ryuto's house at six

   Ryuto's POV

I heard a knock on the front door
I opened the door and saw Pipi with some.... cute clothes on her
"H-hi Pipi"
"Hi Ryuto"
"Ah- come in" i said
I closed the door behind her and we went to the living room
"You have a nice house Ryuto" she said smiling
"Oh thank you Pipi-chan. Anyway, wanna play some video games?"
We played some games, after a while Pipi asked me
"Where are your parents?"
"Oh, they aren't here for the rest of the night"
"Hm.. i see"
"Anything wrong?" I asked her
"No, but i'm pretty hungry, want me to call to a food service?"
"Sure, it sounds good"

  We ate something, played for a little while then we to sleep in my room
(But not in the same bed you perverts :))
The next day we went to school

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