Ao x Nemesis-chan

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Edit: this is requestee by Rewymb
Art not by me!
Warning: lemon ,blood and dirty language 
       Ao's POV

'I'm wondering how Ayano is doing with my task' i thought as i went outside as i was walking to the deliquents
'Jeez, i hope she won't get hurt, if Ayato will find out that i put his twin to do that for me i swear it won't end good'
As i was close to the incinerator i heard a small scream in the maze
'This is my chance to finally get you murderer!' I runned in the maze and prepared my pepper spray

When i entered in the maze i couldn't believe what was happening! Ayano, my best friends sister Ayato, was killed in front of me! Her blood was everywhere, on the ground, on the green walls and on..... the girl that killed her with a katana.... i saw that she had a diferent uniform, her hair was short, her eyes were red and she had Ayano's blood on her.... how could i fail on protecting Ayano and the school? How does that even happened? When does all this happened? This girl.... she planned everything.... she has a cold face expresion, i think she might be a assassin... and a dangerous person. I must stop her

I aimed my pepper spray at her
"On the ground!" I yelled
"Or what" She said
Geez what's wrong with me? All what i have to do is to use my spray on her!
She smirked
"I see.... too bad you can't do that. Now go away or i'll have to kill you too" she said with a cold tone
I wanted so bad to slap myself! Why couldn't i do anything?! All what i could do was just stare at her beauty- NO AO! DON'T THINK LIKE THAT! SHE HAS JUST KILLED SOMEONE AND YOU LET HER GO AWAY WITH IT

I just nodded and went away shocked. I never thouth this would happen
I went back to the student council room, it was the meeting time
"So how was the day?" Ayato asked
I wasn't feelung like myself and everyone could tell that
"Ao? Is there something up with you? You don't look like yourself" he asked
I snapped out of my thouths
"O-oh! Uh.... actually... not really..." was i really going to tell him? I'm so actually scared of what's going to happen next
"What happend?" Shiromo asked
"Well.... my father died yesterday...." i said in a sad tone. I wasn't actually lying, my father died but some years ago
"We are sorry for your loose" Ayato said and the rest of the members nodded

   Time skip to the next day
Still Ao's POV

As i was walking home i saw that girl again. This time i made my courage and went straight to her
"Hey!" I said kinda yelling
She turned around
"Oh hey, you are the one who looked like he saw a ghost" she smiled hiding her sad face expresion
"Just tell me already why you did that" i said angry and annoyed
She sighed and sat on a bench, she patted the bench next to her
"No thanks. I like standing" i said
"Please" she said with a sad face this time
I sighed and sit next to her
"Now tell me why-"
"Because i had to , ok? You'll never understand! She killed so much people for just a fucking boy! Her mother killed my father and mother in front of me! So i had to revenge everyone for what they did!" She explained screaming and with tears falling on her cheek
"What that makes no sense! Only if-"
"They are yanderes" she cried
I hugged her because i didn't knew what else to do
"Why didn't you killed Ayato too then?"
"Because this cures is only on the female Aishi's" she cried on my chest
"I see.... come with me" i said
"W-what?" She broked the hug and looked at me
"I can make you some tea that will help you to calm down" i explained
She hesitated at first but then gave in
"Alright" she said wiping her tears off

   6 months later

It's been a while since i know Nemesis and i must admit that we are bestfriends now and always staying at eachother's house and talking and i... think i have feelings for her. It's hard to admit it tho
She is now at my house and i plan on asking her to be my girlfriend and hopefully she'll accept my confesion

"Hey Ao, what's up to you? You never act like that" she said
I sigh
'Now or never i guess' i thought
I got a rose that i was hiding behind my back and handed it to her
I had redish cheeks
I could hear her gasp
"Is this for me?" She asked
"Y-yes, just take it and..." i paused
"And?" She asked curious and blushing
"Look it's very hard for me to admit it, but i think i have feelings for you ok? And i mean romantic feelings. You are just beautiful and at the same time gentle and i don't know how else to describe you!" I said blushing like a mess
"Do.... you really mean it?" She asked
"Of course!"
"Then i accept your feelings" she smiled with tears coming down on her cheek then kissed me on the LIPS
I didn't hesitate and kissed back for like 2 minutes

We parted away to take some air
After that we kissed again but not for that much time
She draged me to my bedroom, closed the door and kissed me again
"Are you sure about this?" I asked her concerned
"Yes, you don't know for how long i've waited for this moment" she said and i layed her on my bed
The lemon start now
Third POV
He kissed her neck for some several times until it started to appear some marks
He heard her moan and he must admit that it gave him a small erection
Ao undressed her chest and throw her shirt on the floor
He looked at her chest and saw a black bra, he put it down, and started to suck one of her pretty big breasts and play with another
She moaned and again it gave him an erection
"Just tell me when to stop ok?" He didn't want to hurt her
She nodded and throw his shirt on the floor
They switched the places making her sit on the top of him and he laying on his bed. She stared at his chest then leaned in and started to kiss it slowly. Then kissing his neck with he also moaned a bit then they kissed with their tongues while he got her skirt off
They separated from their kiss
"I see that your buddy is already on~" she whispered in his ear
He blushed more
She unbucked hus belt, and throw his pants and underwear on the floor
She stared at his dick and said
"It's... bigger than i expected" she gulped
"Well you'll have to deal with it. And besides bigger means better" he said
She giggled and leaned down
She slowly started to rub his dick. Ao let out a moan, she started to rub it faster and faster. He moaned once again
"I see you enjoy it~" Nemesis purred
"Hell yes! Whatever you do don't stop"
After a bit she stoped and used her mouth to suck my dick
Damn her warm breath and mouth on his dick, it felt so good. She started to suck even faster
He could feel it
"Nemesis! I'm close!" He yelled in pleasure
She didn't stoped on sucking and he cumed in her mouth
She swallowed all hus cum in her mouth and then leaned closer to his face
"I see that you enjoy it but i need a turn on too, don't you think?~" she said seductive and he nodded
He let her lay on his bed then he slowly put away her panties
He lean closer to her pussy and started to lick and kiss it
She moaned like a mess
He continued to lick then he risked and put 1 finger in her pussy and started to move it
"Ahhh!~" she moaned
Then he insered a second finger
She moaned again
He continued to move his fingers in her until i heard her scream
"It's coming! I feel it!"
The she let her cum come on his sheets and fingers
He licked her cum from his fingers
"Delicious" he whispered in her ear
She blushed
Without any waening or anything he inserted his dick in her pussy
She screamed and let her calm down
Then he started to thrust in slowly
After some minutes he started to thrust faster
She moaned once again
After 30 minutes he pulls out his dick from her and cums on her and on his sheets
After that they shared a passional kiss, then they went to get their underwear on then cleaning the room because of their mess and then went to sleep in his bed

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