Ao x Nemesis-chan pt.2

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Edit:this is requested by Rewymb
The art is by RogerSenpai on DeviantArt
Warning: lemon
Plot: they are dating for 2 years and Ao is ready to propose to her

    Ao's POV

I'm so happy that Nemesis accepted to go on a date with me at the restaurant
I have a big surprise for her....well, i'm actually gonna propose to her. I know, i know, you may think it's too early but i don't care, ok? She makes me so happy and comfortable that i wanna make sure she would never leave me. And it also would make it easier to protect her from those pervs. I still remeber how they looked at her
Tsk... good thing i taked care of them

I walked to her house, i knocked on her door, i hear her saying "give me a sec!"
I waited patiently taking some glances at my pocket making sure the box with the ring is still there. I started to feel nervous and flustered again
I hear the door open and looked to see her in a beautiful black dress, i couldn't help but stare a bit at her

"Still staring huh?" She asked
"I can't help. Having a beautiful godess right in front of me is all i could've ask for" i said with a grin
She blushed
"Oh shut up" she playfully punched my arm
I grabbed her hand and kissed it
"But it's true"
"Let's just go already" she said and i gladly hold her hand as we went to the restaurant
The restaurant was looking pretty lovely
We sat at a table that had only two chairs, we ordered our food and meanwhile we listened to the music that is played by some guys with some instruments

"You look lovely tonight" i said
"This is the third time you say it" she said
"I just wanna make sure you don't forget that" i smile to her
"You know, for a guy like you is hard to believe you make compliments"
"What does that supposed to mean?" I asked confused
"Nothing, is just that you have a death-serious look and always act like an bodyguard or something, and when you are with me, you have those loving eyes and say compliments" she explained
"Of course i do. I just wanna make sure you feel loved and happy" i smiled warmly to her
She looked flustered
When she looked like she wanted to say something the waiter came and gave us our food
After we talked, eat and talked again we hear a music perfect to dance on
I got up then moved my hand in front of her
"Would you like to have this dance with me?"
"I'd love to" she said taking my hand and we went to dance
It was a slowly dance but we enjoyed eachothers company
I was really nervous and Nemesis could tell that
I could her that the music was about to stop
Sigh. ok Ao, now or never
I pulled away
"Ao what are-" she looked shocked
I reached for the box from my pocket, i got on one knee. I opened the box revealing the ring. She gasped, i could feel eveyone looking at us. I gulped

"I know you may reject me ,but i have to say what's on my soul. Nemesis, when we first met i didn't know what i felt. But now i know what i feel, we've been dating for 2 years now, and i feel very happy around you, you are so beautiful, carrying, playfuland i don't know how else to describe you. So, after all those ramblings, all what i'm trying to say is, Nemesis, will you marry me?" I was blusing like a tomato
Great, you couldn't express your feelings better than that, could you Ao?

She had tears in eyes, one of her hands on her mouth and slowly nod
I was shaking a bit, i put the ring on her finger then got up and kissed her
I heard everyone clap and cheer
I look in her eyes
"Let's go home" she whispered. I nodded
We went back to my- our house
The lemon starts
As i closed the door i started kissing her
She kissed me back running her fingers in my hair
I layed her on the sofa and i started kissing her neck
"M-more" she moaned
I chuckled and whispered in her left ear
"Beg me"
I heard her groaning, and looked like she was about to, but i stopped her and whispered again
"Just kidding, princess. I'm gonna pleasure you as much as you want"
She didn't sayed anything but just kissing me french for a good 1 minute
We pulled back to take some air
She pushes me, now she was on the top of me, and she taked my suit off, kissing my neck, then my chest, and then my stomach
I moaned at her every kiss on my body
I sit up and undressed her, kissing her breasts
I hear her moan more louder
She started to get off my pants, then boxers revealing my cock who is aparently erected
She started to rub it as we started to kiss again but this time roughly
She broke the kiss and started to suck my cock faster than usual
I started to moan louder and louder with her moves. Without warning her i cumed in her mouth. She gagged a bit but swallowed
I told her to get up and she did, then i layed her back on the sofa
Without any warning i started thrust in her
She screamed in pleasure
"More!! Don't stop Ao!!!"
I smirked and continued
I started moving faster and harder
"Argh!!!" She screamed

And that's what happend the whole night
The next day when we woke up
"Mmm...." i woke up and rubbed my eyes
"Is it morning already?" I asked
"Yes it is, jerk" Nemesis said
I looked to see her on the top of me looking pretty angry
"Umm.... what did i do?" I asked worried
"You were so rough on me last night that it still hurts between my legs and i can't walk or just stand on my feet!"
I heard her sigh

Well that's all with this chapter, maybe you don't really like it but i promise i'll try to do better

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