Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Quizzes were bloating her head as her icy fingers gripped the lace of the side bag harder. She never knew rainy mornings were this cold. The cluster of puddles and the wet floor were a disgust to her. To add to the horror, a marshy smell was floating in the area. The gardens at the Kim Estate lost their appeal in the matter of seconds with the rain infested aura around it.

Jangmi scurried to the front door, her eyes wanting to find life somewhere in the majestic opulence. The guards posted around were barely visible. Plus, she thought it'd be better to enquire to the housing staff instead of the butlers on short trips outside the mansion.

"Thank you." She bowed to the guard posted at the entrance as he opened the door wide to let her enter.

The warmth was the first thing she felt on her cold body. Her ears were on fire for some reason. Jangmi continued hunting for people as she walked through the empty foyer and into the kitchen, where she was expecting them to platter breakfast. It was still early in the morning, with the clocks striking close to seven so there was bare minimum of life around the house.

Jangmi was in her most thought-about dress, on the edge of all her ability to look presentable. She even had answers prepared to defend herself if anyone questioned her over why she looked too preppy today.

The kitchen was empty, with a soft smell of chicken and spices looming at the tip of her nose.

As her breath turned warmer and warmer, Jangmi fidgetted with her footsteps and walked desperately through the silent doors and frighteningly quiet corridors. Why was no one from the staff working today?

She arrived at the end of the second corridor. Her lungs deflated and she leaned back against the wallpapered wall, tired and hungry from the effort of running around the house.

Had they already given up on taking her with them to receive Taehyung and left her on her own? Her chest enlarged at the simple thought of their mutiny. She had too many plans in her head to let them go now. Her head had crafted thoughts of how pleasant it would seem when their eyes would meet for the first time. How it would be when they'd finally get together for the better. She had so much to ask.

She swallowed through her parched throat, wincing in pain as needle-like tensions scratched the inside of her neck, bringing moisture to her eyes with the lack of water in her body. Back at Incheon, the doctors would always insist her to drink more water, maybe this was a reciprocal effect of that ignorance.

Jangmi moistened her lips and began walking towards the next corridor of rooms that disappeared behind a big door with gold plated door handles. She placed her freezing palm on the surface of the door, wishing for a super power to tell her what was inside without opening the door. Her head jerked up as the door opened out of the blue, on its own, bringing her to a standstill in the same stance.

Wisps of cold black hair appeared and the bullet of his eyes shot her out of the blue. Jangmi gasped and looked up at the two headlights shining at her through the darkness of the room.

"Good morning?" Yoongi pronounced, looking at her hand that was still in the air.

Jangmi quickly pulled it behind her back, smiling stupidly.

"Good morning. Are you guys going to receive Taehyung?" She asked.

Yoongi cropped his brow, shifting to the side purposefully, "More like received him. He's in there." He nudged in the direction.

"What?" Her brows furrowed. "I thought there was time for his arrival?"

"There was not." Yoongi iterated, stressing unusually as though he meant something more.

The Chastisement Of Kim Taehyung | BTS Fanfiction | Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now