Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The courtesy of allowing her to sit felt like a huge debt she would die repaying. Jangmi had mentally prepared herself for another round of the same fate as before. All that resounded in her head were the sharp words from the last time. Anger and rage were secondary to the fear.

The faculty dean had fading grey eyes and a flashy smile bearing witness to the alarming temper he held. His gelled hair was set back in a way that would shake the wind instead of going the other way round. In his formal ensemble he was still the reflection of a ticking bomb. So much more aggressive than Eduardo himself.

Jangmi's legs were starting to go numb beneath the table as she stared at the silver bell sitting on it, giving her an insight of her own reflection in the weirdest possible way. Her delusions of the worst happening inside the cabin were cross legged right infront her, waiting for her to answer a simple question. Why was she here?

"Fetch the lady some water to drink, Wook." He bellowed at the handsome young man positioned behind the Dean's chair. Jangmi secretly managed to peek a look at him while pretending to tuck a non-existent strand of hair behind her ears.

The smell of the air perfume and the taste of the ongoing suspense were bitter on the back of her tongue. She glanced at the middle aged man discreetly a few times before shifting away to the stone complexioned bureaus and frames that hung upon the walls.

His room had the same branding as that of Eduardo, with the frames of people she didn't recognise and trophies she didn't remember this college to deserve.

The pretty man soon returned with a glass of sparkling water, she was too nervous to hold in her hands so she let the idea go and left the water waiting on the desk.

"How is college treating you?" The Dean asked, protruding a suspicious smile.

Confused was an understatement to the mingled feelings she was struggling with. He was the same man who had admonished her so harshly for losing her ID that tears had sprung forth in her eyes. This man was poles apart from that irritated old man's cape, somewhere near a loving grandfather from he movies.

Jangmi cleared her throat softly and nodded, "It's fine."

Her answer should have satisfied him, instead Mr. Lee looked concerned like a father would for his child.

"Don't feel obliged to answer like that. I am well aware of what goes on inside the premises." He said with a low chuckle. "You can approach me anytime you want."

For the first time, Jangmi smiled in the path of that conversation. Her muscles just couldn't hold back. It had been forever since she had heard someone offer comfort so willingly. Her heart swelled with admiration for him.

Mr. Lee continued, "I understand that you might have ill feelings for me after that day, but that stands as my duty. You know how stern the rules are for Patron's Day."

"I know." Jangmi nodded in unison, watching a satisfied smile on Mr. Lee's face.

"But I stepped the border." He replied soon after. "I'd like to reconcile with you for that. I hope you can overlook that."

Jangmi straightened in her seat, eyes wide and her breathing stoked. "Please don't apologise! You don't have to say that! Really!"

That was a lie. Her perspective demanded an apology for the way he had strewn those words over her, not bothering to wait for an explanation. Her reflexes however, were one step ahead of logical reasoning and this was one of those twenty three thousand times she had tripped over her own words and forgiven someone just like that, too flustered to think about maybe accepting the apology.

The Chastisement Of Kim Taehyung | BTS Fanfiction | Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now