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I am indebted to each one of you for showing love towards Chastisement. When I started writing this in September 2020 I had NEVER thought someone would even take the time to read anything. But when people actually noticed and appreciated me, it gave me the courage to write on and on and take the story on the path that I had decided in my mind.

I want to thank every one of you for being consistent and reading all the chapters, asking me questions when something was a bit different or non understandable and appreciating it. Honestly, I got some feedbacks too and it was all fun because I loved each and everyone of them.

With this note, Chastisement has come to an end. But it is the book one of the Taehyung Series!

The second book in the Series is 'Torment' that will be posted soon and as planned the lives of Jangmi and Taehyung will take new turns, causing different things to happen. I would be immensely grateful if you continued reading to know how it would end because I had so many things in store for this plotline that I had to break it into a part two!

Do let me know about each and everything that you have liked and disliked about 'The Chastisement of Kim Taehyung'!

- Yours lovingly,
Cheryl-Anne Harvey

The Chastisement Of Kim Taehyung | BTS Fanfiction | Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now