° Fansign .•

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After the comeback, stray kids held fansign in november, corona was already long gone and it was safe to hold these kind of meetings. Why was this day special? It was pepero day, It involves the gifting or exchange of Pepero snacks, a line of chocolate-dipped cookie sticks, with the intention of displaying affection for friends and loved ones. And because stray kids love games and stays as well, they decided to play pepero game. The game rules are like this: Two people begin eating one Pocky from each end. The first person whose mouth comes off the Pocky or the other player gets to the middle first loses. If the participants end up kissing, it is a tie. 

Most of the members were excited, jisung included, hyunjin was disgustied "AH I AM NOT GONNA PLAY!" Seungmin turned into confident gay, wrapped his arm around hyunjin's shoulder and pulled him closer "why, are you afraid you will like it?" and everyone screamed.

"Okay but how are we gonna play this? How should we pick the couples?" Chan asked the question. Stays started screaming the ship names. Changbin said the ship names out loud "MINSUNG YES MINSUNG OKAY CHANLIX- " he stood up "i think minsung is enough" stays laughed at his comment, while minho took the hummer and threw at him jokily.

"YEAH LET'S START WITH MINSUNG" felix was jumping around excited. Minho was feeling strange, members and stays, even jisung, were excited over this. "DOES JISUNG NOT REALIZE WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM" Minho screamed internally.

"come on baby let's do it" jisung went closer to minho and older took a step back "w-what are you doing?!" He asked the younger. "Playing the game" jisung said with a straight face.

"Let's make it even more exciting! THE COUPLE WHO WILL HAVE THE SHORTEST STICK AFTER PLAYING WILL WIN!" Changbin suggested. "Changbin, trust me this is your last day on earth" minho said it with all seriousness. Members agreed and stays were as excited as them.

Jisung took the pocky and went closer to minho. Minho has never experienced this amount of feelings, anxiety, excitement, fear, confusion. "Y-Ya a-are you n-not uncomfortable by this?" He whispered to jisung who was so close with him. "Uncomfortable? Why?" Jisung was confused. Minho was suprised "IS HE INSANE?! HE CLEARLY WENT MAD! HAN JISUNG IS CRAZY!" .

"First it's lee know's turn!" Felix shouted. "IT'S LEE KNOW HYUNG LIX" minho shouted back at him. He gave up and took the pocky, went closer with him and put the stick in the middle of jisung's lips. His heart was beating so fast, he tried to start but he froze. He remembered the kiss, he suddenly had the urge to kiss him even more passionate than he did at first time. What made everything even worse was that jisung had his eyes closed. "He is crazy" minho thought.

"Ah quickly!" Seungmin was tired. "Ah FINE!" Said minho and went for it. He started going closer and closer, slowly eating the pocky, after he passed the middle part, his nose was already close to jisung's nose. He couldn't take it anymore so that's where he stopped.

"Ah..." everyone was disappointed, even jisung. "Why did you stop" jisung looked super disappointed. Minho was confused "THE HECK HE IS SAYING?!". Jisung then took the pocky, put it between minho's lips without hesitation and started eating the stick. He cupped minho's cheeks and went closer and closer, there was no space between their chest. Jisung was far away the middle part and he tilted his head on the left side, soon their lips would touch and it freaked out minho. The older tried to push him away, but jisung stood strong. Soon after that, Jisung kissed him. Minho was so suprised that he opened his mouth which was a great opportunity for jisung and he used it for his own advantage. Jisung slid his tongue in minho's mouth and after a while, when minho realized what was going on, he pushed jisung away and out of shock, he fell on the floor, he hid his head with both hands to not let members or fans see how red his face was.

Fans were screaming, members were screaming as well, felix was fangirling and jeongin was in shock. Jisung stood there in centre with pride and showed 0.5cm stick that was left from the 7cm "THIS IS HOW YOU PLAY THE GAME GUYS!". Changbin and felix then ran to minho to check up on him. He was still on the floor, shocked, his face was as red as tomato, he couldn't believe what has happened.

Jeongin and chan then went and gave minho a water bottle. He drank a whole bottle and threw it at the back of the table. He then ran his fingers through his hair, took the mic and called out younger's name angrily "Han Jisung!". Jisung stopped laughing and turned to minho. "Come.here." minho ordered him while glaring at him and jisung obeyed. "Kneel!" And so did jisung. Jisung was on knee level in front of minho, he was looking up to his hyung and his heart started beating faster "this might be my kink-" Jisung thought.

"On a plank position!" Minho ordered and Jisung obeyed once again. Once jisung was in pank position, he sat down on jisung's back "50 PUSH UPS! START COUNTING!" Minho ordered once again and jisung started counting while doing push-ups "O-One! T-t-two!" Minho continued counting louder than jisung "THREE! FOUR! FIVE! DO IT PROPERLY AND FASTER!"

This whole incident was all over social media right away. Minsung shippers were totally dead and even non-shippers were having hard time coping with it. Members were so ready to discuss it all at home. Minho on the other hand had million types of feelings in him and his face - well it was still as red as tomato.

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