Chapter 4 Do you like me?

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I ducked as another slash came at me. I attacked on his right, knowing that it was his weak spot. I was able to knock him to the side. He attacked me but i parried it easily and kicked his groin. His knees gave out and his sword dropped on the floor with a clang. I quickly kicked it away and pointed my sword at his throat. I withdrew my sword and helped him up.

"Why do you always have to kick my groin man? It ain't fair." He exclaimed, as he bent down to pick up his sword.

I chuckled slightly at that. "And yet you don't see it coming. Whose fault do you think it is? Mine or yours?" I put my sword back in its sheath and held it at my side.

Zane Abrafo was the son of General Abrafo and my acquaintance. He was a good warrior but people often underestimated him because of his dark colour and unusual violet eyes. His power was mind control, which was also unusual for a dragon.

He sighed. "Mine." He agreed grudgingly and put his sword with the others in the sword stand.

"So, you and Princess Phoenix, huh? You guys are a good match."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Seriously? Why do people keep linking us up? I don't like her."

"Why though? She's your ideal type. She's tall, beautiful and intelligent. You guys also know each other since you were kids."

"Thats true. But I don't like her. I don't see her much. I don't have time to sit and chat with her. She may have free time but I've got more important work to do."

He smiled and shook his head. "You are so stuck up in your own world. She just advanced into the Aura Stage, so give her a break dude."

"Why are you standing up for her anyway? You don't even know her."

"As if you know every single thing about her."

"I don't. But I've known her longer than you." I lied about not knowing. I did know every single thing about her.

"That is true. But I do know her. Remember the time I had gotten lost trying out the Transportation spell?"


"Yeah well, I had ended up in the Knight Land. She had helped me that time."

"Oh. I didn't know."

"Yeah. Also, she is just like you. I think you should try and be her friend. We both are pen pals." He patted my shoulder and exited the practice room, leaving me all alone. I blew out a breath and ran my fingers through my hair. Why did everyone except me to get along with her? Sure I've known her  since we were kids. But why did everyone excepted us to be together? No, I've got to go talk to her about all this nonsense.

I grabbed my jacket from the bench and put it on. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the streets of Knight Land. I opened my eyes and saw myself standing on an empty street. I started walking towards the palace. The guards stopped me at the entrance. "Sorry sir. We can't let you in. King's orders."

I sighed. "But I'm the Prince of Dragons. You can surely make an exception for me." The guards exchanged a look, looking hesitant.

"Do you have any letter stating as to why you have come here at this time of the night?" One of them asked.

I shook my head. I didn't have any letter of that sort. At that time, Issy came up from behind me. The guards both bowed and made way for her.

"What are you doing here, Kai?" She asked, looking surprised to see me. I couldn't blame her. We barely saw each other casually. She looked beautiful though. She was always beautiful with her gorgeous red hair, amber eyes and a height of 5 feet 10 inches.

"I came here to talk to you about something important."

"Okay then." She turned to the guards. "He's with me." She walked inside and I followed her. She climbed two flights of stairs and walked straight into her room. I had not been to her room before in the past few years. Her room was full of colors. The walls were decorated with her paintings and there was a painting of a Phoenix on her closet. Her room was completely contrast to mine. Mine was dull with the walls just a shade of blue.

"Take a seat." I sat down on her couch and she sat across from me. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Do you like me?" I said, straight to the point. She looked confused.

"Like as in romantically or as a friend?"


"No, I don't like you in that way. Why would you think so?"

"Well people have been telling me that we would be a good match together. So I just wanted to clear it up with you."

She sighed. "Well, you can't exactly blame them. It is said that a dragon and a phoenix are the perfect match, but no, i don't have a crush on you. I only want to befriend you."

"I appreciate it but I don't have time for friends. I need to train and reach Immortal Stage so as to help my mother take care of our country."

"And you think I don't want to help my father?" I was at a loss of words now. I didn't know what to answer. She raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for my answer.

"Why do you want to be my friend?" I asked her quietly, avoiding her eye contant.

"Well, we are allies. We are supposed to be friends, but you barely talk to me. We have known each other since we were kids. We were best friends when we were kids. But ever since your father died in the battle, you have become a stranger to me. Look, i get it. Its tough. I know how it is to lose a parent. But you've got to get over it and move on at some point."

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