Solve it

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              "Hey she's awake" Will said while strolling into the waiting room.  Hank and jay jumped up from their chairs, hailey after them. "Did you get anything back on the water?" Jay said eagerly. Will smiled weakly and nodded, "tox screen shows that there was some form of drug in the water but we don't know what. She could've put in herself or someone put it without her knowing..." Will sighed.

The trio followed Will to Ellie's room, "hey smell" Hank said with a sad smile. Ellie looked up at him with a half smile, "hey dad" she replied back groggily. Hank looked at Will wondering why she looked so tired and unlike herself, "she's still coming round off the sedatives, might take a few minutes. Maybe even half an hour" Will explained before leaving them alone. Ellie squinted her eyes at hailey and jay then smiled, "hey guyssss" she said like she was drunk. The sedatives had made her a bit loopy, jay and hailey laughed as Hank smiled at her. They sat down by her side and saved the questions until she was actually back in the real world and not I'm LaLa land. "You guys are like rhubarb and custard, but not like pineapple on pizza coz that's nasty" Ellie said while pointing a finger at jay and hailey. Jay and hailey laughed and raised their eyebrows, Hank looked at them just as amused at they were, she was talking complete nonsense.

There was a minute of silence before Ellie gasped, she was still loopy. "My arm!" She said while looking down in shock. Jay raised his eyebrow, "what about it?" He said while trying not to laugh. Hank and hailey were already snickering. She shook her head, "it's gone!" She said in disgust. Jay couldn't help but laugh along with the other two, "Ellie your arm is still there" jay explained while moving down her blanket to show her it hadn't been cut off. Ellie mouthed 'oh' and threw her head back while laughing to herself. She closed her eyes and slept off the sedatives for about 10 minutes, she woke up and felt fairly normal again.

"Hey honey" Hank smiled at her as she sat up. She looked around at jay and hailey in confusion, "what happened this time?" She said with a screwed up face. Jay looked at Hank worriedly, "you were drugged sweetie" Hank explained. She looked at them in shock, "what? How?" She said while looking at them all. Hank shot jay a relieved look, she obviously didn't do it to herself or she would know what had happened. "We don't know, that's what you can maybe help us with..." hailey said with a smile. Ellie looked down trying to remember anything and everything, "uhm, what about my water?" She said while remembering the girl. Hank looked at her in curiosity, "yeah that's how it happened but we don't know who did it, do you know something?" He said while grabbing her hand.

Ellie hesitated but nodded, she knew what Jake had told her about staying quiet but she couldn't remember jake being anywhere near the girl who gave her the water so she explained what had happened. "Yeah, after school yesterday I swore I put my water in the bin but then a girl ran upto me saying I dropped it and gave me it back. I put it in my bag, thought I must've missed the bin and she didn't like me littering or something..." she said while realising they drugged her. "They did this?" She said with a scared look. Hank looked at jay angrily, "'maybe ell, maybe..." he said while getting up to leave and make a phone call. She looked at jay and hailey with ghosts in her eyes, "what now?" She said sadly. Hailey grabbed her hand, "we'll solve it, sort this out" she said with a smile. Ellie nodded then looked down, she hated the hospital especially being in it for her own sake.

Hank walked back in looking a little calmer, "that was the school, they're gonna send the security cam footage over and we'll find who did it" he explained. Ellie paused for a second, Jake had punched her outside of the school, she relaxed when she realised they were out of view so her dad wouldn't find out the truth. Hopefully the girls had been caught since it was only a few feet from the school entrance doors.

"When can we leave?" She said looking bored already. Will heard her and walked in to let her know, "5pm" he poked his head around the door. They all smiled at him and nodded before Will disappeared again. It was roughly around 2pm so they had hours to kill, they played card games, board games and much more, she had even made a new handshake with jay. "Alright Ellie you can go" Will said while walking in with the discharge papers.  She smiled and jumped out of bed, Hank sighed the papers as jay and hailey watched.  "If she's feeling any side effects, fetch her back in" Will said before they left. 

              Jay and hailey went back to hanks house with him and Ellie, they all had dinner together.  They were like one big family, even compared to the closeness of the district. They were always the closest, they chatted and laughed all night before jay and hailey left.  Not long after that they both went to bed.

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