Its over

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              Jay ran over to her and she jumped into his arms, "it's over, we got you. It's okay..." he said in attempts to calm her down.  She let out a few loud cries and jay held her tight since her dad wasn't there to comfort her.  An ambulance had rolled up outside just in case anything had happened to Ellie, luckily it hadn't but jay made her get checked out anyways.

           Adam and Kim walked around the front of the house with the two arrested teenage boys, Ellie was sat in the back of the ambulance getting looked over by Brett and Mackey.  She saw Jake and the older boy getting out into the back of police cars and she let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.  "See it's over" jay smiled at her.  She nodded and smiled back. 

           It was about half an hour after the incident and hailey had managed to get a hold of her boss on the phone. 
Hank: "Upton, is everything okay?"
Hailey: "hey sarge, you gotta get home as soon as you can. We're all here waiting for you"
Hank; "I'm on my way"

           Hailey walked over to the ambulance, "you're dads on his way" she smiled at her.  Ellie smiled at her with glassy eyes since she was still traumatised.  "You're all good kiddo" Brett said with a smile.  Ellie nodded and used jays hand to get down from the ambo.  She stayed inside of the house with a blanket wrapped around her as she sat in between jay and hailey waiting for her dad.

           "Ellie?!" Hank shouted into the house in a scared tone.  She leapt off the couch and ran over to her dad, she jumped into his arms and Hank held her in a hug for a few minutes.  She was crying and Hank still had no clue what had gone on.  "Jake and his friend broke in and got to her, they're at the station" jay explained with a sad smile.  Hank nodded and sighed in relief, "are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Hank said while looking at her face.  Ellie smiled weakly and nodded, "I'm okay" she sighed.  "I got your gun, I didn't use It though..." she said feeling embarrassed.  Hank smiled and grabbed her arms, "you did good, I'm proud of you" he hugged her again. 

            Hank looked at jay and looked around for the gun, "here" hailey said while giving him it back.  He accepted it and left to go put it back in his safe.  They all made their way over to the district, his house had been cleaned up and the window had been boarded over until tomorrow when it would be fixed; The door was fixed on the scene so it would lock again.

         When they got to the district jay and hailey interrogated Jake and his friend since Hank wasn't allowed near them because if he got his hands on the he'd kill them.  "Are you mad?" Ellie said to her dad.  Hank looked at her strangely, "why would I be mad? I'm proud of you" he said with a confused tone.  She looked down, "because he ruined the house, I got the house ruined" she said sadly.  Hank huffed, "the house doesn't matter, as long as I have you, I have everything I need" he said with a smile.  Ellie smiled back and gave him a hug. 

           It didn't take jay and hailey long to get confessions and statements from both kids since they were aware of what they had gotten themselves into.  They gave Hank the finished files and then sat back down at their desks tiredly.  Ellie thanked Jay, Hailey and the unit for saving her, she gave them all a hug each before they left to go home.  Ellie and hank done the same, they got home, ate and watched a film.

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