Chapter uno.

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George was laying down in his bed. He wasn't tired. In the morning he had taken too many naps so now he just couldn't make his eyes shut and wake up at 10 am. George turned to his left side and looked at the window. It started to rain. George just couldn't sleep so he sat up and grabbed his phone.

Are you up?

Maybe, maybe not. :)

George couldn't help but smile at Dreams response.  He then sent:

Can we call?
Dream had read the text. After a minute or two he saw that dream was calling him. George smiled and answered it.
"You said you wanted to call so I just had to call you. I can't say no to you." Dream laughed after those words fell out of his mouth. The brunette smiled and then said "I'm your weakness huh." The brunette couldn't help but instantly regret what he said. Dream answered the question after a few minutes of just not saying anything. "Yeah you are." George didn't want to but he smiled and blushed at what Dream had just said. "Let's hangout." George had to keep in mind that it was 12 am and Dream probably didn't want to go out in the rain. But then Dream answered. "Yea. Right now or later today?" George looked out at his window. "Right now if you want to go out on a long drive in the rain." Dream hung up.

"I'll be there soon hold on :)"

George had never felt this way for anyone. George sat up and put on a hoodie and then socks so then he could put his shoes on afterwards. After 10 minutes George heard a knock on the door. "Hey. Get in the car I have the perfect plan tonight." Dream smiled at George and took his hand and led him to the car. "You already have my seat warmed up" Dream looked into George's beautiful dark brown eyes and said "of course I do."

They sat in the car in a parking lot and watched the rain fall. "I really like this song" dream turned up the volume and then started singing to it. The song? Gorgeous by Mansionz. George sat there listening to the song and then looked up at dream. "Have you ever pissed the bed?" George smiled at his comment. Dream started laughing and then answered the question "I have" dream smiled his beautiful smile. "You should tell me about it. Did you have a nightmare or something?" George played with his fingers and then realized dream was looking at his fingers too. "That's a secret I'll never tell" dream laughed.

George sighed and said "I wanna drive and I wanna pick out the next song." Dream looked at George. Dream turned off the seat heater for George and then pushed the button for it to warm up the drivers seat. He stood up got out of the car and opened the door for George. "Thank you does this mean I get to drive?" George laughed and walked over to the drivers seat. He had put on the next song called talk is overrated by Jeremy Zucker and Blackbear. Dream laughed and got into the passengers seat. "Let's go to the store I'm thirsty and I kinda want something to snack on" it had taken a while to find a store that was open but they did eventually did find a store open.

They grabbed a cart and zoomed through all the aisles and laughed until they both couldn't breath. "Can you please grab me an Arizona?" George saw a mango one and he had missed the taste and it was only 99 cents so good price. "Which flavor?" Dream looked at all the colors and saw a water melon one and grabbed one for himself. "Mango" dream grabbed it and put the two Arizona's in the cart and they zoomed away. They found themselves in the cereal aisle. "So much sugar." George looked at all of the cereal and decided he didn't want anything from this aisle so they left. Then they decided to go out to eat. "All of the good places are closed at 1:42 am Dream what do we eat?" Dream smiled a big smile and said "IHOP because Denny's sucks" George smiled and they paid for their Arizona's  and for some reason Dream had gotten new pair of socks and  I guess he had also bought a hula hoop and a basket ball. "Why'd you buy those?" George asked while unlocking the car. "You'll see." Dream laughed and smiled and then for some reason they stood still and looked into each other's eyes. George couldn't help but look at dreams beautiful eyes. Of course he didn't necessarily know his exact eye color because he was color blind but he still enjoyed the view. Dream out his hand on George's cheek and smiled and then got in the car. George missed the feel of Dream standing in front of him and looking into his eyes. They got into the car and laughed at dumb jokes that they had both made. "Let's have a sleepover" George was surprised Dream had said that. Dream had never told him that before. He only tells sapnap to sleepover. It's never him. "After we go eat yeah. But there is no way that you're sleeping on the floor." Dream answered quick "I was planning on sharing a bed." George pulled up to Ihop and they had started to eat. George got a hot chocolate while Dream had gotten milk. They laughed over dumb things like how Dream had spent money on a hula hoop and a basketball.

George pulled into dreams driveway and they both got out. Dream unlocked the door. They walked in laughing and not being able to breath. "Come sleep in my bed." George felt himself blush "ok as long as I sleep on the left side." Dream laughed and got a big blanket. And they both got into bed. Dream had looked into George's back hoping that George would turn around so then they could look into each other's eyes. He did. George turned around and  they were as close as ever. They had never been this close before. It was so new. They laughed a little after staring into each other's different colored eyes. Dream noticed every flaw of George's face but he didn't mind because he was the most handsome man he'd ever seen even with those flaws. He saw the moon light shine through the window and saw it hit George's face and Dream got closer. George could sense something might happen but he was worried his hopes were just too high. Dream fell asleep afterwards and George had felt disappointed that he didn't make the first move. Maybe next time.

-I'm sorry if this was short um this is my first time writing and I'm sorry if it's not great
Thank you all!

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