Chapter dos

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Dream woke up to rays of sunshine hitting George. He looked so beautiful. He had no words. He left him confused. Butterflies in his stomach. No one there to tell him to calm down . Dream put his hand on George's hair. He started to play with it. So soft. George slowly woke up.

George couldn't seem to take his eyes off of Dream. "Morning." George loved staring into dreams eyes. Then he noticed Dream had been playing with his hair and still is. "Good morning George." The brunette couldn't help but put his hands on dreams face. "You look nice when you wake up" Dream had said. George felt his face grow red. "I know I do."

Neither one of them wanted to get up all they wanted to do was lay there comfortably and see each other. But neither one of them had the courage to say that they should stay in that same place until they actually had to get up.

"Pass me my phone" Dream looked for George's phone and said "sapnap texted me yesterday saying he wants to take us to a party. Wanna go?" They smiled and it seemed like they both knew that they should both go. "Sure anywhere you go I guess I'll come with." Dream smiled at the older boys comment and said "it's at 6" George looked at his phone and said "I'll set a reminder."

Dream laughed at how George forgot things easily. Well they both did but he was sure neither of them could forget there was a party happening today.

It had been two hours after they woke up and they were still in the same bed. But this time Dream had his arm around George. They watched tv in dreams room. "I really like this." Dream smiled and said. George looked up at the blonde and said "it's great how were so comfortable with each other."

Dream had felt his heart drop. Did he mean it like he was stuck in the friend zone? Did he want him the way that he did? Dream was confused and sat up and decided to go get water.

George missed dreams touch now that dream went up to go get water.

George got up and went to the kitchen just to see Dream sitting at the table on his phone. "Dream it's 12 pm wanna go out and do something?" Dream looked up and felt himself not want to talk to George so he said "I don't know. Do you want me to drive you home?"

They looked at each other and they both knew that Dream wasn't feeling the best. "No I'd like to stay here if you'd let me stay" Dream looked down at his phone and said "let's watch a movie." George nodded and sat down beside the blonde. Admiring how amazing dreams personality is.

George felt like Dream was sad or just confused. So he asked "are you ok" Dream felt tears start to appear on his eyes and so he continued to look down because he didn't want George to notice. "Yeah we can watch a series on Netflix it's called Teen Mom 2" George laughed at the show and said "sure why not" Dream watched as George left the room to go out on the show.

-Dreams POV-

I didn't want him near me but at the same time I did. He makes me feel safe and anywhere he is I feel like home. Why am I so hurt after that comment he made? I want him so bad and I don't know why. Are you the one for me? Do you want me?

"George you're so amazing." George looked up at me and I saw him surprised at what I had just said. I wanted to hug him so bad. I wanted him so bad. He made me feel better, happier. "Thank you you're amazing too"

I saw George's bright smile.
The show started and we both payed attention to the show. My hands were cold. I didn't want them to be cold. So I placed my hands on the couch where we could place our hands on each other. It was too bad George didn't see the hint. I wanted him to hold my hand so bad.

**(now 5:42) also in third person

"Should we get ready for the party?" George said with a sigh. Dream got up and said "sure" they got up George looked down at his clothes and said "I don't like the shirt I'm wearing" Dream looked at the shirt and said "here borrow my shirt. It was a navy blue shirt. "Thank you" Dream looked at George.

Oh god how he wanted to hold him and say he looked amazing in his shirt.

It was too bad that he didn't have the courage to speak up. Dream put on his own shirt because he couldn't borrow George's shirt because it was honestly in bad shape. Also, yellow wasn't very great looking on either of them.

They got ready and played around a little bit and laughed at dumb comments that they were both making. By the time they were out of the house it was 6:55 they looked at one another and laughed. "Unlock the door Dream" Dream was sitting in the car laughing because George hadn't gotten in the car fast enough so he locked it. Dream was wheezing and couldn't seem to breathe. "LET ME INNN" George now laughing and frustrated. After Dream had let him in the car they drove away to the party.

"Dream, George!" Sapnap had greeted them and told them that they were welcome anywhere and could do anything. Dream decided to go and play some cup pong.

George was busy drinking water and handling a girl that was annoying him. "Please leave me alone" George had told the girl. She was drunk. She didn't know what she was doing or who she was talking to. She didn't even ask for his name she just wanted to make out. "Do you need to sit down?" George asked the girl. "I need you" she said drunk. "I think you should sit down." George took her to sit down in a chair that was outside. "Drink water" He handed the girl some water. She drank it then said "I want you, you're cute." She looked him in the eyes.

"It's sad that I don't want you though huh" George looked at her. He meant what he said. "Yeah sure. Here's my number maybe one day you'll see what you should want" she winked at him gave him her number and walked away.

He wasn't sure on what he was supposed to do with the paper. Maybe one day he'll get over Dream and want her. He kept it. Sapnap walked over to George "just got a hot girls number huh?" Sapnap teased then sat down. "I did" George answered.

-I was kinda all over the place this chapter also I tried to make this a good chapter but um idk if that worked. Anyways have a good day!

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