Maybe youre too good for me

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-George's POV-

Not only did I remember what happened between josh and I but I also remember crying later that night after josh left. What a sucky night. For the past few weeks Dream hasn't been talking to me. He's been hanging out with the guy that he cried about for days. Why would he do that? What's the point in that? Just to get hurt again? To get revenge? Whatever.

Whatever, right? It not like I care. Clay can be friends with whoever he wants. He'll just come running back to George when he gets hurt again by this guy Fundy. And I'll be there. I'll be there to reassure him that he didn't do anything wrong and that he's amazing. I'll tell him he's an amazing person. A person who forgives people too easily. A person with such a kind heart.

Unlike me. All I'm able to do is get drunk and cry and kiss random guy. Random girls. Random people. One night stands suck but so does having a crush on your best friend. Well one night stands don't suck. Sometimes it does depends on who we're talking about.

Either way I don't want to talk to him. So...

I texted him.

                            Are you and Fundy hanging out
1:32 pm
Maybe I'm not sure.
I want to hangout with
you not him.

I didn't answer. I didn't want to answer. I didn't need to answer. So I didn't answer.

He has to stop saying things like that. It's annoying and it's starting to make my feelings worse. Sure I've liked him for awhile by that doesn't mean I can't fall harder for him. I want him so bad. Those other people mean nothing to me.

Only you. I just want you.

My phone was ringing. You would know that I was busy but since you're hanging out with this guy Fundy you didn't know. "Hold on." I looked over at the new girl in my car. It's fucking three what am I thinking. "What clay" Clay went on on and on about his mom. He loved his mom so much. I wish I had that relationship with my mom. Then he said he was going to visit his mom. That's amazing. He's amazing he deserves to be around people that love him and won't hurt him. "That's great clay!" I was excited for him. He sounded so happy. His laugh made me smile. He was the man that I wanted. Not some girl. Not some girl that somehow he had gotten wrapped around his finger in such a short moment. I hung up after saying bye.

⚠️NSFW skip to the first "-" so you don't have to read it!

I looked into the girls eyes. Blue. Not green. A color he could see was blue. She pulled him into a kiss. A kiss that meant nothing to me. But it didn't matter because he knew what was after this and he knew that after this he wouldn't want her number or her socials and she'd leave sad. Maybe crying.

The kiss wasn't something he loved. She was weird at it. Wasn't the best but also wasn't as worse as some guys or girls he had kissed before. Hand slowly getting to her waist pulled her in more toward me. Her slowly putting her hand on his thigh. She then put her finger on the zipper. Trying to unzip it.

She wasn't Clay. She wasn't Clay. I want clay not her.

"I- I don't think I can do this." I didn't her. Her eyes weren't clays. Her lips weren't clays and her hands weren't clays either. I didn't want anyone to touch me unless it was clay.

"I see. Whatever loser. You probably have a small dick anyway."


"Ok get out of my car then." She huffed and got out and held up her middle finger at me. So I did too. I drave home. Crying. Over him.

Missing him wasn't helping him. He missed him though. So he cried. Cried over clays wheeze and amazing voice. His piss yellow eyes.

-Dream(third person)-

-mentions a little bit of drinking skip to the "-"

"I don't want you. I don't like you I'm sorry Fundy." Dream saw that Fundy was hurt. But Fundy got mad and decided to yell. " he's going to hurt you Dream don't you see it?! He's been sleeping with different people while you liked him while you guys flirted. Can't you fucking see it? He's not worth it. I am! I could be worth it if you let me try goddammit! George's coping skills are getting drunk. Crying and getting hickeys. Want to know how I know that?! Because it was once me that he did. Ok remember the night because god he was so beautiful. But he said afterwards 'sorry I can't be with you I'm waiting for someone' but that was 5 months ago. You think he still likes you?! No!"

God Fundy was mad mad. Im not dumb I know what he's been doing. I know his coping skills aren't the best. But either way I still liked him. Maybe if George have me a chance he could learn new coping mechanisms. Something good.

"I already knew those things Fundy. There's no need to tell me. There's no need to tell me things about my bestfriend. The guy that I love. The guy that has such beautiful eyes I could stare into them until I die. The guy that i know everything about because we tell each other everything. God I even know what he sounds like when he just got done kissing some new girl or guy because most of the time he calls me afterwards. He calls me saying nothing is ok and that he needs to stop. Does he stop? No. Do I love him for trying? Yes. Sure he may not be trying hard enough but I love him for him. I even know when he just got done cooking because he has this habit of rambling on and on after he's got done eating. I know that he bites and licks his lips often. I know everything there is about George and he knows everything about me."

"God get over him already." I no longer wanted Fundy in my car. "Get out of my car." And with that Fundy got out.


-George's POV- 

I missed him and I want him. So I called him

-dreams POV-

I missed him and I want him. So he called me. I won't stop fighting for his love.

-pfft They called each other I want someone to call me thatd be cool. anyways go stream road trip by Dream 😏 have a nice day! Live laugh love

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