Chapter-1-A Useless Quirk

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Author's Note: You may not like my writing in the first chapter, but please be patient and wait for the second chapter. It will get better.

IT'S FINE NOW! WHY? BECAUSE I AM HERE! " a loud voice exclaims in a video playing on the computer screen. The video was from the debut of the current Number One Hero and Symbol Of Peace: All Might. The hero, who makes everyone feel safe by facing villains with a smile on his face.

A young boy with a mop of green hair on his head is watching the video with an All Might figurine clutched in his hand. Even after watching it multiple times before, Midoriya Izuku's reaction is always the same. He watched the video with a huge smile and sparkling eyes.

"I will be a hero just like him when I grow up" Izuku declares with determination in his eyes. Suddenly, a puff of white smoke appeared and the green-haired child grew much taller with big muscles.

Midoriya Inko, who was cleaning her son's room while he watched the video, got startled due to the sudden transformation. After a few tests, they realized that even though Izuku was much bigger and muscular, he still had the same strength and the same weight, though his voice became slightly deeper. Being confused about the quirk, they realized that they would need some professional help with the quirk. So, they decided to have Izuku skip school the next day and get an appointment for a quirk specialist.

The next day, the two Midoriyas found themselves in Dr.Tsubasa's office to find out what Izuku's quirk does. The doctor did a few tests, trying to determine what Izuku's quirk does. He then told the Midoriyas to wait in his office, while he goes and gets the test reports. After a few minutes of waiting, the doctor returned with a few papers in his hand.

"So... little Midoriya seems to have a kind of stockpile quirk, and the muscle form, as we are calling it, seems to be a way for his body to handle a large amount of energy," Tsubasa said with a frown on his face.

"Is there a problem?" Inko asked with a worried expression glancing at her son and then the doctor.

"Well, you see Mrs.Midoriya, although Izuku's quirk allows him to hold a lot of energy, there is no way to put energy into the quirk. And a stockpiling quirk without something to stockpile is pretty much useless" the doctor answered as he sat back on his chair.

The Midoriyas then left the hospital and went home. Izuku was quiet ever since he heard that his quirk was useless. And life would only get worse for him as the years go on. After finding his useless quirk, many children in his school started bullying him for it, though they never got physical, except Bakugou Katsuki and his goons.

This goes on for 10 whole years until one day everything changes...

"Young man, you too can become a hero"

The words spoken by All Might made Izuku collapse on his knees, clutching his chest and crying his heart out. Someone had finally acknowledged his dream of becoming a hero.

"I deem you worthy of my power" All Might declared with a smile on his face as he walks towards Izuku. The confused look on Izuku's face told All Might that he didn't understand.

Then All Might explained his quirk 'One for All' to Izuku and asked him if he would inherit it. He accepted without hesitation and All Might asked him to come to Dagabaoh Municipal Beach the next day early morning.

The next day, Izuku is seen on a beach full of trash, pulling on ropes tied to a fridge. A fridge that All Might is currently sitting on, making it more difficult than it already is.

" HEY HEY HEY! This fridge is pretty comfy to sit on! " declared All Might from on top of the fridge making Izuku groan and fall on his back from exhaustion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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