Chapter 8* The beach..

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The night was really short ..and we woke up to what I knew would be a stressful Saturday, but at least I had my best friends with me.

"Good morning lazy heads" Melvin yelled from the dining room waking us all up.

"Dude what the hell.. it's 8 in the morning" max murmured.

"Uuum no it's not" Melvin replied as he came into the room with a plate of pancakes.

"Damn it's 11 already" Elvis said getting up sluggishly.

"What!!" Max shouted as he checked his phone and realised that the wall clock was not working.

"Uugh..last night was rough, think i got drunk" ven said holding his head as he got up.

"Yeah we all did" Elvis replied.

"Except Melvin" max chipped in.

"I chose to be a bit responsible.. remember we got a garage to fix."

"Uugh that's true,I forgot" I said.

"Last night was rough but those chicks were damn amazing" ven said trying to smile.

"Yh..they only talked and flirted with us because they were drunk you know" Melvin said.

"Dude.. don't" I replied a bit pissed.

"You know it's true.. they're hot college chicks and we're.."

"We're what!" Max chipped in as Melvin tried to speak.

"Ok dudes..let's not do this now,I'm famished" ven said yawning.

"Yh..uum Melvin where'd you get those delicious looking pancakes" I said feeling even hungrier.

"I made them" Melvin said taking another bite.

" made pancakes" Elvis asked surprised.

"Yeah..I did" Melvin replied.

"Any chance you could make more" ven said in a begging tone.

"Don't worry ..I made enough they're at the dining table"

"Oh bro a life saver" fortune said as he jumped outta bed and we all rushed to the dining to get the pancakes.

"Huuh children..I live with children " Melvin murmured.

"I heard that" max yelled as he was choking on pancakes.


We ate to our full and were really satisfied but couldn't move a finger.

"Dudes we gotta fix the garage remember" Melvin said as he picked up the plates.

"Well if you knew we were gonna fix the garage why did you make a whole lotta pancakes" I said feeling like a stuffed teddy.

"Uugh..we gotta try and get up" fortune said as he sluggishly stood.

"Ok..let's go" I said as I managed to stand and we all left for the garage.

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