Chapter 51

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Pic is of Makarov Dreyar—->

Kumiko's P. O. V:

We stand there in shock, unable to believe the amount of magic power we were sensing from the greenette. Natsu's right, bandages arm trembles as he clutches it.

Brandish says simply, "I have a craving for some Star Mango Gelato."

We just gape at her in shock.

Brandish turns toward the shop, but her eyes widen when she sees the state that it's in. She exclaims, "The shop is like, totally in pieces! Who could've done this?!!"

Marin points at us as he accuses, "It was those guys, standing over there!"

"That's a lie!" Natsu exclaims.

"The whole thing was your fault!" Gray adds.

"Don't put the blame on us, you ass!" I seethe, my eyes furious white triangles.

Brandish sighs sadly, "Oh! And I really wanted some, too! Let's go." She turns and walks away.

Marin calls pleadingly, "Brandish, wait! It happened because these guys picked a fight with our soldiers!" Brandish stops but doesn't turn to him. "And I think the only reason they're here is to contact the spy!"

"I don't care!" Brandish cries before turning her head to him. "Now, go on and give them back their A+ girls, okay?" Tears were pouring down her cheeks.

"Wha—?! But they're some of the best in my entire collection! You even gave the whole idea your blessing! You remember, don't you?"

Brandish stamps her foot on the ground and a wave of power pulses from her body.

"Whoa! What's happening?" Gray asks.

"An earthquake?" I ask, gazing around.

"Uh oh!" Marin cries out.

Natsu mutters, "What's with her?"

Brandish stops and looks back at Marin again as she asks lowly, "Marin, did you not hear what I said?"

"Right!" He salutes her like she's a captain. He holds out his arms, and Lucy and Erza reappear through clouds of bubbles, hitting the ground with thuds.

Natsu and I run toward them. "Whoa! Lucy, Erza!! Hey!!" Natsu shouts worriedly as we run.

Lucy sits up as she places a hand to her head, muttering, "That sucked!"

"I didn't hurt them; I sent them off to a place where they could chill out! Don't worry; they're all good!" Marin states.

Her eye twitching, Erza mutters, "Where were we just now...? That was absolutely horrible!"

Lucy sighs in relief, "We're back on the island..."

Lucy and Erza turn their heads and notice Brandish, her back turned to us.

"Uh, Brandish-san? Don't forget that we were sent all the way out here on the spy and her associates. I don't really wanna find out what ol' Wall will have to say if we come back home empty handed."

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