What's My Line?

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Summary: Set in S2E9/S2E10 "What's My Line? Part 1 and 2." I thought it would be interesting if Kat was there, starting when Angel couldn't get out of the locked up area Kendra locked him up in, before she knew he wasn't evil anymore. What if Kat was able to rescue Angel from the cage from the sun and get him into the sewers, before Willy ever grabbed him and let him be taken by Spike and his vampires? Even though Kat is human, can she help figure out what Spike's up to and take him down before his next move? With Kat being human, will Angel accept protecting her from any enemies?

The sun had just risen in the sky, Angel still locked in the cage in the storage room, weak. He was in a corner of the cage, trying to avoid the sunlight. He didn't think the girl was a part of the Order of Tarak that had locked him in here, but also didn't know who she was.

"Now, what brings you to a place like this, locked in some cage?" he heard a very familiar voice ask him.

He looked up to see Katherine approach.

"Just get me out of here, will ya?" he replied.

"You really need to invest in a Daylight ring, Angel," she replied, before using a crowbar to unlock the gate. She then went over and put an arm around him, helping him up, as she said, "Come on. Let's get you into the sewers." She then helped him, making sure to keep him out of the sun.

Twenty minutes later, she was in the sewers with the reformed vampire, him seated against a wall.

"Would you like to explain to me what happened? You were almost served crispy fried," she asked.

"Some girl got the jump on me when I was questioning Willy. He's a human, but owns the demon bar. I needed to know if it was Spike, a vampire, that sent some demon bounty hunters after Buffy. She's the Vampire Slayer here in Sunnydale. I think I got my answer."

"Okay, well, I'll help you with this situation then. It seems you care a great deal about Buffy. However, I'm gonna need more than a stake, vervain, and holy water. Elijah finally realized who I really am now, so he left when I was a vampire a few weeks ago. There's a cure for vampirism. I figured my doppelganger was partly the reason he left, so I tried to kill her in revenge. I didn't know the cure was in her pocket, so she shoved it down my throat. I've been human ever since. Since I don't trust Damon with my life, I decided to track you down. It's a good thing I did, too."

"Well, thank you then. If you need any weapons, you'll need to head to the high school. Buffy's watcher keeps his collection there. And I doubt I'll be up to fighting speed when the time comes. The Order of Tarak won't stop until either they're dead or Buffy is. And unlike your kind of vampires, I don't heal fast," he informed her.

"Let's get you home. The quicker I get you home, the quicker I can get you some rodent blood so you can have at least some strength."

She knelt in front of him.

"I'm not sure I have that kind of strength," he admitted to her.

"Well, we need to at least keep moving. If Spike summoned the Tarak, he's probably coming for you. I'm not leaving you until I know you're safe. Even if I have to spend the day in some smelly sewer tunnels," she replied.

He knew from meeting her a century ago that she wasn't going to stop pushing him to keep going, even in his weakened state. He knew that she was always staying ahead of enemies and always moving. That made her the best person right now to keep him going, when his whole body felt too weak to carry on.

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