All My Time - Griffin Johnson

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"Griffin! Are you dating (y/n)?" The question was thrown around so often that it didn't really warrant a response anymore. You knew the minute you started hanging out with the boys, people would begin to throw your name around like a hot potato. One day you were dating Bryce, the next it was Josh and then suddenly you were dating Jaden. It came with the territory but it also sometimes put a damper on the night.

"Man, we're just friends." Griffin responded, making his way to the car. With Josh by his side, he didn't want to stand around talking to Fletcher for too long.

"People are really wanting you two to get together, eh?" Fletcher explained, walking alongside Griffin, who just shrugged his shoulders in response. There were only so many ways one could explain a friendship.

However, it wasn't just a friendship. It went deeper than that and both of you knew it. So deep, in fact, your friends were starting to pick up on the looks you two would share when you thought no one was looking. It wasn't as if you had feelings for each least, none you'd want to share with one another, but your friendship was different than the ones you had with the others and that alone...made you question what it really meant.

"So, when are you going to tell her?" Josh asked as soon as both boys closed the car doors. Turning the car on, he proceeded slowly, trying to avoid the crowd of people surrounding his car.

"There's nothing to tell." Griffin stated, looking down at his phone. Reading the message from you on his phone, he smiled, typing a quick response.

"Tell that to your face." Josh said. "Come on Griffin, you two are constantly talking, your face lights up whenever you're around her and when you're not around her, you're talking about her. You seem to think this friendship that you guys have is all it's ever going to be and with an attitude like'll lose her real quick."

"It's not that I like her." Griffin denied. "it's just that...I want to be around the time and when I'm not, I need to be in contact with her. I don't like not talking to her."

"So again, you like her." Josh said, dumbing it down for the boy.

Arriving back at the house, Griffin thought more and more about the conversation he had just had. Maybe...just maybe, the friendship had become more than what he intended it to.

"Oh, you're back." You said, looking up from your phone as you laid in Griffin's bed. You technically didn't live with the boys but you also technically did. "How was it?"

"Well there was a really important person missing." Griffin said, smiling as he crawled onto the bed beside you. Throwing his shirt off and onto the floor, he fixed the pillow beneath his head so he could comfortably look at you as he spoke. "You should've come." Taking your phone from your hands, he locked it, placing it on the bedside table before pulling you closer to him.

"I know Griff, I'm just so tired." You explained, leaning your head on the pillow. Your face was inches from his but like many times before, you thought nothing of it. Sure, you had one too many moments within your friendship that could have turned into something more but it never did; which, to you, meant it never would.

"You know...we spend a lot of time together," Gliding your fingers down his chest as he spoke, you wondered where this conversation would go. "and when we're not together...we're texting or calling..."

"Mhmm." You mumbled, swinging your leg over top of his.

"It's weird but like...I just...I just want to spend all my time with you." His voice was soft, almost as if he was hesitating every word but still, he continued. "I get asked a lot if I'm at all into you and every time I say no...but I think I've kind of realized that there's different ways of realizing you're into someone. I don't want to go out without you, I don't want to do anything without you and if I have to, I still want to be talking to you. You're the only person I've ever wanted to spend all my time with and I think that's my way of realizing I maybe, sorta...have feelings for you." The room fell silent as you processed his words. "Now would be a great time for you to say something...anything."

"All your time?" You asked, struggling to find words.

"All my time." He explained, letting out a nervous smiling. Deciding it was best to show him rather than tell him, you softly pressed your lips against his, hoping he would understand. Kissing you back, his hand found your waist, pulling you closer to him so your chest was now pressed against his and all you could think about was how you maybe, sorta knew it all along.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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