In the Hallway - Noah Beck

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Things had been different. It was almost as if you had stepped into someone else's life without even realizing it. Everything you once knew was gone...all because of one person. He was someone you didn't just consider 'a someone' but instead 'the someone'. His presence in your life seemed to make everything brighter and adjusting to a life without him was something you never thought you'd have to do.

The day he left hit you like a ton of bricks. Sure, it wasn't perfect and the effort he was putting in seemed to decrease as the days went on but he still meant everything to you. Being without him was never an option for you. However, now it was reality.

"Whoa, are you looking to impress someone?" Addison asked as she walked into your bedroom. She had put in just as much effort as you but because she was naturally gorgeous, it looked as if she hadn't put effort in at all.

The boys were having yet another one of their parties and this time, you figured you'd go. You hadn't been going out as much since he left, as parties usually made the feeling worse but today, you were determined to finally be happy least for a little while.

"Ladies!" Bryce exclaimed, as he saw both you and Addison walk into the Sway House...of course his eyes were focused moreso on Addison than you. Grabbing a White Claw, you made your way further into the house, spotting Tayler from across the room.

"(y/n)! Be my partner!" He yelled, waving you over. Laughing at the fact that he had probably already had one too many, you made your way over and thus, began the many rounds of Beer Pong.

After what felt like years of playing and winning every single game, Tayler was on top of the world. "Alright, who's next, losers?"

"We are." Turning your head from Tayler's direction and towards the other end of the table, your heart stopped as you locked eyes with him.

It was almost as if the room fell silent and everyone was now staring at you. The pain of losing him came rushing back and in that moment, you didn't know what the right move was. You were stuck.

Feeling the air hit your face as you burst through the front door, you finally felt as if you could breathe again. Running through the party seemed like a distant memory as you hopped in the first cab you saw and headed home. Feeling the tears stream down your face, you didn't realize it would hurt this much. Seeing him for the first time felt like someone had reopened the wounds and you were bleeding out for everyone to see.

"Go away." You said, hearing a knock on your bedroom door. Your bedcovers had been over your face for hours now and nothing you did seemed to take your mind off of him. His face was a memory you just couldn't forget.

"(y/n)...please." HIs voice sounded like home. It was calm and gentle, just like it was the very first time you heard it.

"Since when do you party with them?" You asked, swinging the door open, finally accepting that being face to face with him was something you needed to do.

"I joined the house." He explained. You huffed, turning your back to walk away but he took your wrist in his hand before you were able to get anywhere. "I'm trying, okay? I don't know what to say...I don't even know if you really even want me here but I'm trying."

" You're trying now, Noah. You should have been trying then."

"I got comfortable. I got used to the feeling of having you around and I figured whatever I did didn't matter anymore. But I'm here, in the hallway, trying to explain to you that I still love you. Every inch of love that I's for you. I don't know if you even care but I-"

Playing back the memories of him, you knew it was now or never. Life without him was something you never wanted and in this moment, you had the chance of never experiencing that again. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you placed your lips on his and suddenly, the world had colour again.

"Don't stop trying." You whispered as your lips parted.

"I won't." He said, leaning his forehead against yours.

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