[ 015 ] ruby's understanding.

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ruby's understanding.

LUNA'S RIG IS WHAT WAS ONCE AN OIL RIG. Currently, the group sits around the rig, listening to a girl that tells a story about sharks.

Ruby twists the rings around her fingers. She sits beside Clarke. Bellamy sits across from her. She can feel his eyes on her every few minutes. But his eyes never linger for longer than a few seconds. Beside her, Clarke stresses. Several feet away, Jasper, Ryland, Octavia, Amara, and Luca listen to the girl tell her story.

That's when the door opens. Luna and another Grounder strut inside. Bellamy perks up as Ruby looks behind her shoulder at the Grounders.

"She's here." Bellamy starts. "Maybe she's changed her mind."

"Doubt it," Ruby mutters as Clarke and Bellamy stand. She goes ignored so she stands and joins them. The trio approach Luna.

"The boats return at nightfall." Luna informs them. "Then you leave. Forever."

Clarke and Ruby share a brief look before the blonde girl looks to Luna. "Luna, let us explain."

"I said no," Luna says quickly. She makes a move to walk away but Bellamy quickly intercepts her. Ruby watches closely, wondering if Luna will have an aggressive reaction to Bellamy stopping her.

"No, you need to hear this." Bellamy steps closer to Luna. The man that came in with Luna places his hand on Bellamy's chest roughly, stopping him from getting any closer to Luna. At this; Ruby takes a step closer too. Bellamy ignores all of this. "There is something out there that is going to destroy us all."

"Whatever it is, it can't reach us here." Luna shakes her head. She then moves past Bellamy walks away from them.

"Well," Ruby says. "I hate to say I told you so but. . ."

Bellamy and Clarke both glare at her.

Ruby shrugs. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I want to talk to Luna myself."

When she approaches Luna, the woman looks to her with annoyed eyes. "Don't worry," Ruby says. "I'm not here to bug you about the Flame or becoming Commander. I'm not with that shit."

"What is your name?" Luna asks her.

"Ruby," the Carson girl responds. "Can I talk with you about something?" Her eyes then sweep past Luna's shoulder to Bellamy; who watches them carefully. "Alone?"

Luna looks over at her shoulder to where Bellamy watches them. She gives him a challenging look before she turns back to Ruby. She gently places her hand on Ruby's arm. "Walk with me."

The two women walk away from the main area of the rig to a more private space.

"What is it you wish to talk about?" Luna questions her.

Ruby closes her eyes and inhales. She then exhales through her nose. Luna watches her with a mix of curiosity and concern. When Ruby reopens her eyes, Luna can't help but admire Ruby's abnormal eyes.

"You left because you didn't want to fight anymore. How'd you do that?" Ruby asks.

Luna cocks her head to the side as she thinks of Ruby's words. She had spoken with Luca and Amara privately when they first arrived and they both told Luna about the shit Ruby's been through. So Luna has an idea of where this conversation is going. "You do not wish to fight anymore, do you?"

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