Danny Your Dead

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----Danny's POV ---
After I told Riley Mallory would hit a bird if she took him to school I took off running and hid in a cave I found. I put my hand over my mouth to stop laughing. I backed up against the wall but then felt something sticky. I slowly turned around and came face to face with a spide. Holy Mother Of Llamas!!! Run for the freakin hills!! I sprinted for my life outta there and by the time I got back it was Mals party. Damn I forgot my best friends partayy. I quietly snuck in through the back and passed the pool but caught Mals scent. I saw her sitting on a guy and they were about to kiss. I bet 100 bucks that guys her mate. Hehe time to have some fun. Just before they can lip lock I scream "Mallory! Babe over here!" She and the boy looked at me, her eyes filled with humour and the boy glaring daggers. "Babe are you cheating on me" I feign hurt. The boy growls and Mallory just starts laughing. He looks confused as if he's missed something. "Who are you?" The boy asked suspiciously. I thought bout saying I was the bf but decided not to an come clean "don't worry bro I'm just one of Mals Friends, she's more of a lil sister, besides I can see you two lovebirds are mates " I made kissy faces and they both blushed" my names Danny by the way" I offered my hand and he took it"I'm Luke Thomson soon to be Alpha of the Silver Moon pack" wow he's important. I looked over at Mal and nudged her shoulder "you got a big bad Alpha, I knew it! Have fun but make good choices and be safe, don't want to be an uncle yet" I whisper screamed so Luke could hear me. Luke laughed so hard and Mal looked ready to blow. I took off sprinting "DANNY YOUR DEAD!" She screamed and chased me into the house. I stopped an hid in the storage room. Ha she'll never find me here. "Oh dannnnnnyyyyy, come out come out wherever you are, when I find you I'm gonna put live spiders all over your bed while you sleep and one in your mouth to lay eggs and your ear" she taunted. I kept silent but shivered and gagged. Oh shit what if there are spiders in here. Naw fuck man! She sighed "I have mister BunseyBoo and I'll rip off his head if u don't come out" she threatened. I gasped "YOU MONSTER!" I screamed and raced out of the room. There stood Luke holding a camera and Mal with mr BunseyBoo. Damn she's good. She taped the whole thing. I snatched Mr BunseyBoo and stormed up stairs. I hope Mr BunseyBoo is okay. Poor little guy, it ain't his fault she's a monster. I mean what's he ever do to her!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mallory POV----
"That was hilarious!" Luke an I screamed gasping for air rolling on the ground laughing. "He's so funny! I reckon we'd be good mates" Luke laughed "yeah i bet you both have a Mister BunseyBoo" I giggled he frowned like a child an pouted "no mines mister Oogle Bear" he said in a baby voice . And that my friends is how I exploded into a fit of laughter . Once we had both calmed down we decided to make the announcement whilst everybody was here that we were mates. "You ready?" Luke asked me. "Yes your my mate. Let's do this" he smiled so wide it was contagious. "And your my mate" he said causing me to shiver and butterflies to erupt inside me. "Please quiet down, it seems my daughter has an announcement" I heard my fathers voice from I front of the crowd. We made our way to the stage and once on it everybody's eyes were on us. The boys shooting Luke envious glares and the girls pouting and glaring at me. "Well everybody I would like to start by just letting the girls over there" I said pointing at the girls glaring" NEED TO LEARN SOME GOD DAMN RESPECT FOR THEIR LEADERS BECAUSE NOT ONLY AM I FUTURE LUNA OF SLIVER WOOD PACK BUT I AM ALSO THE MOON GODDESS'S DAUGHTER THEREFORE MAKING ME THE MOST POWERFUL CREATURE ON EARTH. I WILL NOT HESITATE TO KILL EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU STUPID PATHETIC WEAK LITTLE GIRLS IF YOU SO EVEN TOUCH MY MATE " I boomed using my alpha voice . They all shook with fear. That's right bitches be afraid be very afraid "Am I Understood!" I screamed at the girls "y-y yes Lu-Luna" the girls stuttered. Psh and they call themselves wolves. My dad looked at me with so much pride and respect and love as did my mother. I smiled to them than Luke entwined our fingers. "As you all should know now, this amazing girl is my mate and your future Luna. If I am to hear anyone speak badly to her you are to be killed. Understand" he spoke threateningly to his pack "yes A Alpha" they answered. We walked off stage and over to where Luke's parents accompanied by my parents sat. "Great job kiddo! I'm so proud of my son for having a person like you sweetheart" Luke's father complimented, I blushed "thank you Alpha" I bowed respectfully. No need for that darling your my daughter in law! Call me George!Your family now!" He smiled lovingly and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you George. And who might this beautiful lady be?" I questioned. George's face lit up with happiness an love as he gazed at the woman next to him "This is Grace my mate and Luke's mother" he was so happy about that. I had already met Grace at school. She was the lady at the front desk that I bowed my respect too. She's so nice and kind. "Hello sweetheart, we've met but I never got to tell you my name" she blushed. I smiled warmly and pulled her into a hug. Once we were done my family and Luke's family started to chat "hey daddy" I asked . All eyes on me from our table which was only Luke's Parents and my own, "yes darling" he smiled . I grabbed Luke's hand and he gave it a motivational squeeze. "Do you think uhh that maybe we could join Silver Woods and Blood Moon to make a bigger pack and expand territory as well as the fact that I would still be able to rule this pack alongside My Mate Luke and his pack?" I rushed out. Luke's parents look happy and nod as well as my parents. "That sounds like a great idea sweetie" Grace smiles "your a very smart girl" my mother says with pride "yes she certainly is" my perfect mate says from behind me. And trust Danny to ruin the moment. "Mallory!" He shouts from across the room. I look at him suddenly alarmed. "What's wrong Danny" my father questions. "B-b-Blake -" he huffs panting for breath, he obviously ran far "he's here and wants his mate" he finished . "Who's his mate " I asked questioningly, a look of worry spread across his face "you" he whispered but we still heard. Luke stood in front of me protectively and growled "she's Mine! My mate!" He growled menacingly in Alpha Tone. Danny quickly explained "no no Blakes real mate was some chick called Brittany but then he rejected her as Luna and his mate because he wants-" he took a breath, "you" he finished looking at me. No no no no! This can't happen! This won't happen! No! I can't! I just found the perfect guy and he's not going to get taken away from me! NO! I growled with so much power! I was furious! Luke looked like he was gonna explode. "MINE" he growled so threateningly.

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