Chapter 2: Losing Control

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---Luke's(Alpha Thomson) POV---
I started the day as usual. And drove to school. My birthday was a couple days ago but I still hadn't found my mate and my wolf wouldn't stop whimpering. He needed to find her and so did I. As I was walking into the school a mouthwatering smell hit me and I knew straight away that it was her. It was my mate! I had found her! I look around frantically and finally saw where the scent was coming from. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I stared in awe as she glided perfectly towards the schools entrance but instantly felt a pang of jealousy as I watched the boys looking at her with lust and it took everything in my not to snap their necks. I must've been consumed in my thoughts because then a hand squeezed my shoulder and I jerked back. I looked up to see the schools slut. "Lukey baby why don't you come into the woods and we can have a little fun?" She purred. Usually I'd be turned on but she disgusts me now. "Go away Sarah" I growled. She flinched but started to stroke my arm. Honestly I was gonna gag if she ever touched me again. "Get. NOW!" I boomed using my Alpha tone. She whimpered but reluctantly left. I sighed and followed my mates intoxicating scent that had my mouth watering. Literally. I couldn't find her so after the bell went I seated myself in home room. 10 minutes into the lesson I smelt her. She walked into the classroom and she was just as beautiful close up. She had beautiful Blood red hair and wow those Green eyes took my breath away. Wow I sound like such a girl. I haven't even spoken to her and I'm already whipped. Fuck. My wolf Carl growled at me not liking how I was degrading my feeling for this girl. "Ah miss Michaels, glad you could join us" Mr. Dawson said. The girls in the room straight up glared at her and I wanted to yell at them to stop but then I saw how the boys were staring and smiling and winking at her and I had the urge to instantly wrap my arm around her but once again was pulled from my thoughts because she coughed. "Oh ah please take a seat next to Mr.Thomson" Mr. D mumbled. My wolf was practically howling with joy. And I saw a couple people bow their heads in respect as she past. She had the aura of authority, definitely an alphas daughter I thought. Although her aura was much stronger. Alphas have strong auras of Authority but this girl, it was so much stronger than any Alpha I've ever known. She quickly took her seat and I found myself wanting to pull her into my embrace and mark her right there an then but I knew I couldn't. I needed to talk to her first so I settled on just staring at her. When she caught me staring I found her eyes and it was as if nobody else was there. It was just the two of us. She smirked "see something you like?" She joked playfully. And I wondered how old she was cause if she hadn't had her birthday yet then she wouldn't know I was her mate but if she had her 18th birthday already she'd know by now. What if she is already 18 and knows but rejects me. No I can't think negative. I was just about to speak when Grant the school dickhead butted in. To say I was mad was an understatement. He was hitting on my mate. MY mate. Right in front of me. I growled lowly. And then she smiled. What the hell?! She smiled at him!? And then she ran her beautiful fingers through his hair. That's it I was about to kill him. But then she grabbed his hair and slapped his face hard. Damn my mate is good!. Instantly there was a bruise and it was swelling. I smiled with pride and love for this woman.
"She's gonna make a great Luna" Carl said through our mind link.
"I know" I replied softly. "Sit your ass down and turn around and start listening and then maybe you'd learn something and not be so stupid" she growled using her Alpha tone. She had so much power. It was radiating off her in waves. I've never seen a female so powerful. "Our mate is special" Carl cooed. I just sighed and agreed and watching in awe at my mate. The class was deathly quiet and everyone was shitting themselves I swear. Man I'd hate to be Grant right now. I chuckled to myself and kept watching. "Miss Michaels-" Mr D tried but stopped suddenly. I could tell they were mind linking each other but how? Mr D is in my pack and she's not his mate nor in my pack so how? But then I got my answer. She sighed and said out loud,
"Fine. I am Mallory Anne Michaels. I am the Daughter of the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. I am also an elemental wolf. My element is fire. I am also a white wolf, born every 1000 years and blessed with more gifts than any other creature by the moon goddess herself." She stated proudly. Everyone was so shocked and then it all made sense. She is the most powerful creature on earth, and she's my mate. I remember my mother and father discussing a baby girl when I was younger and saying how she is protected by all creatures such as Demons, Phoenix, Vampires, Lycans, Sirens, and all sorts of creatures. Mr D laughed his tone ice cold and said "prove it" she sighed but agreed nonetheless. "Fine. I have already used my alpha tone which proves I am an Alphas daughter so I will use my fire element and I will shift. Because I am a whit wolf and an elemental wolf my red elemental lightning bolt is on my right paw. Does everybody understand" She asked. We all nodded and watched closely. I was on the edge of my seat, eyes wide and focused I couldn't wait to see her wolf! She sighed and I watched as her hands heated up. Before you knew it she was holding a fireball in the palm of her hand but it did not burn her. I was in awe. She is so amazing. She yawned and extinguished it. "Very impressive, now shift" I heard Mr.D and She quickly shifted into her wolf . I heard gasps come from all around and smirked to myself, that's right my mate is so beautiful and she's all mine. Thank you so much moon goddess. She lifted her right paw and showed her red lightning mark that was glowing. Everyone bowed their heads in respect as did I and Mr.Dawson ordered a student to give me a spare change of clothes to shift into. She denied and i looked at her shocked.some boys whistled and I had to keep my wolf under controls witch was hard to say the least. When She transformed back into human form she laughed at all our awed expressions. Until She heard a cough at the door "Mallory Anne Michaels. What in Gods name are you doing" I flinched as did the whole class. Shit that's Mallory's dad! The Most powerful Alpha in America and Possibly the world! She stood frozen and then I heard something "Oh shit!!" She whispered. Mallory huh? I like it. It was nice. As Mallory's dad walked into the room, everyone bowed their heads in respect. Some where even shaking from fear. Mallory slowly turned around and smiled sheepishly at her dad, "hey daddy,-" she started off looking as innocent as a baby. He sighed and raised his hand silencing her. His face softened "honey, you weren't supposed to tell anyone" he sighed again. Man she had him wrapped around her finger. "I know. I'm sorry daddy" she gave him a hug and said "please don't be mad daddy" she gave him a puppy face (no pun intended) and he broke. "Fine but we are going to have to discuss this at home young lady" he said sternly but when she frowned and watered her eyes he cracked "fine ill Tzara you for ice cream and we'll talk over that and you're mother doesn't have to know" he concluded she smiled and kissed his cheek. Aw man. I wish she could kiss my cheek. "Listen up" her father said sternly and faced the class. Mallory giggled behind him and I couldn't help but smile. "Tomorrow night is my daughters 18th birthday. Her mother and I have sent invites to all the Alphas and their Betas to come along with my daughters friends. My mate and Luna of the Blood Moon Pack. It has come to my attention that their are two Alphas that attend this school" I was excited that she could find me tomorrow but I didn't want Blake the Alpha of the Dawn Lake pack to be there. Me and him were arch enemies ever since 3rd grade. All he's ever wanted was power and if he finds out my mates power he will take her. No I won't let that happen. Her father continued "are Luke Thomson and Blake Rivers present?" He asked I stood up and bowed whilst offering my hand to shake "I am Luke Thomson soon to be Alpha of the Silver Woods Pack. It's an honour to meet you sir" I said respectfully. "Good man, I shall send an invitation to your parents. Your whole pack is welcome. Say hello to your father for me." He nodded and smiled my way. It was as if he knew something I didn't. I smiled back and took my seat. Mallory sat next to me and the boys stared at me enviously as Mallory smiled at me. My heart fluttered and I gave her a goofy grin. She smiled and laughed a little. Her laugh was the most enchanting thing. "And Mister Blake? Where might he be?" Mallory's father asked disappointment clear on his face. I smiled to myself. Just then Blake flew threw the door not noticing us. He was half naked and kissing the girl who also seemed to be half naked. I smiled to myself. There's no way in hell Alpha Michaels will let Blake even look at his daughter now. Alpha Michaels coughed loudly. Grabbing the attention of the girl and Blake. When Blake noticed who it was he quickly pushed the girl off him and he went to shake Alpha Michaels hand but Alpha Michaels didn't accept it. Instead he curled his hands into fists. "Blake." He spat like it was venom in his mouth, "you are not fit to be an Alpha. You are hereby banned from seeing any member of my pack unless they are you'r mate. You are selfish, deluded and straight up pathetic. I hope when you find your mate she can change you. I am sorry to inform you that you shall not be attending my daughters birthday and I do not tolerate this type of behaviour." He said sternly, the look of disgust on his face. He turned to the girl. "Samantha, I am very disappointed in you. You're parents did not raise you this way. They will be notified of your actions and they will decide their own punishment for you As their parents." The girl looked horrified but only nodded and ran out of the room. Blake only stood there with a smirk on his face. Mallory was practically fuming because he was disrespecting her dad. She stood up and walked to her father. Blake eyed her and checked her out. I could tell he sensed her power cause he licked his lips. My eyes were shifting from black to blue and I almost gave in but the Mallory looked at Blake with pure hatred and growled "leave" using her Alpha tone. He flinched and if smirked. He was hesitant but then her hand started glowing and then she was holding a fire ball. Damn she was sexy when she was mad. Blake looked shit scared and she boomed "NOW!" He ran out of the classroom. I had to bite my lip so I didn't laugh. I have the most amazing mate. She extinguished the fireball and turned to her dad. "Thank u daddy, you know how much i hate him" she smiled at her dad. I was thanking the moon goddess for her not liking "I know honey but you can't hate him forever, his parents are your god parents. Honey if anything happens to you're mother and I, you have to live with him or if you find your mate you can live with them" she nodded in understanding "I've hated that bastard since I was 5 and he still doesn't get the memo" she sighed and sat down next to me. I felt calmer with her next to me. Her dad left and the rest of the morning went by in a blur. At lunch I waited for Mallory mat her locker. "Hey Luke, how'd you know this was my locker?" She asked. When she said my name it sent shivers down my spine and felt so good. Luckily she didn't see "I followed your scent" I answered smiling she smiled then started to walk with me. We sat down under a tree and began to talk. We talked like me knew each other for years "hahahaha okay okay,-"she laughed as I told her how I used to run around eating soap and toothpaste and my mum used to call me Lucinda and dress me as a girl, "hey Luke?" She asked softly. "Yea Mal?"I looked at her as she just gazed at the sky "thank you" she whispered.
"For what mal?" I asked smiling warmly at her. "I've never had many friends before. And I guess now, well what I'm trying to say is, well thank you Lucinda for being a friend" she stumbled but smiled when she called me Lucinda and we both laughed at our inside joke. It felt nice to say that, OUR. I can't wait for the future.

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