Reader's POV
Hi I am (Y/N) and today is my first day in college but I'm not really in the mood. I could skip school by just staying at home (skip to page 1).
Shoot, I forgot to take a shower. Should I do it? (skip to page 2)
Nevermind. Hey, would you look at that I got a message. Not always happening to me. That's why I'm so suprised. Okay, let's take a look.
It's froooom. (name of your bestfriend):'' Hey, (Y/N) I heard today is your first day in college, isn't it? Anyways, I was wondering if you have some time after school. If you do have time you can come to the beach. Some friends of mine, including single girls ;), and me are going to go there too. Like a 'Congrats you made it into college' party. I'm not going to be mad if you don't come. Take your time to decide.
Our meeting point is 4:30 pm at the restaurant in front of the beach.
See ya''Sounds like fun and I can meet a girl or two. Last time I had a crush was in elementary. Maybe this time is something special? I'm not having high hopes but I am a positive person after all so I could give it a try. (Skip to page 3)
Forget it. Let's just go to school and have a "boring", chill day. (skip to page 4)

Rent-A-Girlfriend OneShots
RomanceThere are 4 OneShots. Do they end in a happy ending, who knows.