Welp, I guess I'm gonna skip class today. Maybe I should call my friend so I can tell him that I'm not coming today.
Calls your best friend
"Hey, (BF/N). Unfortunately I can't go to school today. I have high temperatures."
I can hear my best friend taking a deep breath
"Bro, you can just tell me if you want to skip class. I'm your friend after all. I'll tell our teacher, no worries."
"Thanks you man, you're the best."
"No bigge, have fun."
Hangs up
Time to play video games.
After playing games till 1pm you decided to visit the nearest game stop in your area.
Jeez, I have to take a train. Meh I don't care. Shouldn't be that complicated.
You arrived at the train station
So where do I have to go, lemme see. Hm Shibuya. ~Shibuya department 1:30 pm track 2~ It's 1:20 pm okay easy.
You entered the train
It's a one and a half hour trip so I guess I'm just going to hear some music.
Approximately at the half of the trip someone sat next to you
Did I just felt something on my left shoulder? I guess opening my eyes will answer the question.
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Wait, a-a-a girl?! And she's cute too! Okay calm down I know you are not so luckey with girls but this time you can do it (Y/N). Smalltalk, okay let's do this! :
(Y/N): "H-hey, what is your name?"
She has pink reddish hair and eyes, relatively small and is cute.
(Y/N): "Sorry, you don't have to talk, I'll just turn around and hear music"
Suddenly a silent whisper from her:
???: "N-no, I w-w-want to."
Daaaamn she is so cute x3 but I think she's a bit shy. Maybe I can lead the conversation:
(Y/N): "So eh, where do you want to go?"
???: "D-don't have a destination."
(Y/N): "You don't have to be shy. I'm a chill and kind dude. Since you have no plan do you want to go with me? I want to go to a game stop."
She slowly nods her head
(Y/N): "Great! I'll tell you when we have to go out of the train:)"
They both had a great time in the train.
I talk about a funny story of mine:
(Y/N): "So, one day I-"
*Bing* Next stop Shibuya *Bing*
(Y/N): "Well, I guess we're here."
I stand up and give her a sign to follow me like a quick hand movement or a head move. Hopefully she understands it.
After they arrived at the game stop something happened
(Y/N): "So your name is Sumi Sakurasawa. Fits your look. Cute and beautiful."
I know not the best thing I said today.
(Y/N): "Anyway my name is..."
???: "OUT OF MY WAY!"
(Y/N): "wow rud-"
What should I do? Sumi looks at me and her face gives me a message like: do something! or somerhing similar. I guess I have to stop him.
(Y/N): "Mam', you can stay here. I'll try to stop him."
So, (Y/N) starts to sprint as fast as he can to stop the thief and impress Sumi. (Y/N) managed to gain the bag back but the robber escaped
(Y/N): "Here is your bag."
Woman: "Thank you so much!"
Wait, where is Sumi?
(Y/N): "Excuse me. Here was a girl with pink reddish hair and eyes. Did you see her?"
Woman: "Ah, yes. She walked straight to the train station. This girl looked sad and worried at the same time."
Is it because of me?
(Y/N): "Thank you, have a great day."
Let's go.
(Y/N) started to sprint as fast as he can although his stamina is low because of the sprint before
I'm here now where is she? There! Sumi wants to enter a train.
Sumi: "Thank you for today (Y/N) I had fun :)."
After Sumi said that she entered the train with tears in her face. Did I do something wrong? Maybe it's just her personality. Meh, like I said I'm not lucky with girls.
(Y/N) bought the item he wanted from the game stop and went back home with bad conscience