Exchanging Gifts

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No One's POV

It's been a week since (Y/N) and Betty have moved to San Fransokyo, and the two were beginning to really feel like home. It was late at night and (Y/N) was at the university, as he had a babysitter watching over Betty tonight. He was staying late as he had a plan to apologize to GoGo. She has not been able to fix the panel as she was busy with classes, as they all were this week. When she was not in classes she had to work on her homework project, as the bike did not meet the requirements. GoGo went home for the night leaving only Wasabi, (Y/N), and a few other students at the university.

When she left (Y/N) headed over to her workstation for Wasabi to notice as he was leaving, "Do you really think that's a good idea? Last time you went near there you broke the bike." (Y/N) looked at him as he shrugged, "I can fix it." (Y/N) looked at the damage and the bike itself to see what GoGo was trying to do with it. After ten minutes he got the panel out to see that the motherboard was completely cracked, 'This is unsalvageable.' He was able to take the chip out though as it seemed unharmed, but that was all he had. So he had to work from scratch. It was not hard to do, he should be able to make a new one in just a few hours. 

So he spent the night being careful as he made the body of the motherboard, making the coding to perform what it needed to do. When he was done he grabbed the peace offering he made to set it on GoGo's workbench, put the motherboard in the panel, and closed the hatch for it. He then left to return home and see Betty in her bed. The babysitter was already gone as (Y/N) had paid them before he left for school. He went to sleep not worrying about taking Betty to school as tomorrow was Saturday.

The Next Day

Honey Lemon and GoGo arrived at the university together to enter the lab room. GoGo walked to her workbench to see that her bike did not have the panel shown, along with some clothes. GoGo raised an eyebrow, "Who touched my stuff?" Wasabi walked by as he had just arrived, "(Y/N) went to your workbench last night. It looked like he was trying to fix your bike." GoGo opened the hatch to begin examining the panel. She then took out the motherboard to exam it, check it's coding and programing, to put it back in and test the bike itself. She rode around the classroom a few times to stop at her workbench. She set the bike on her bench, 'It runs pretty smoothly.' She then remembered the clothes that (Y/N) left her.

She picked them up, "What are these?" Honey Lemon walked up to her, "Oh, (Y/N) made those for you." "He made me clothes?" "Well he asked me if there was anything he could do as a peace offering. So I told him the clothes you like to wear, but half the time you can't wear them because it gets to cold. So he made these in your style, he says he was going to make them to where they keep you at the perfect temperature no matter how cold or hot." GoGo looked at the clothes, "Huh, I'll try them on at home."

GoGo began working more on her bike, but something kept bothering her. After an hour she stopped working to walk over to Honey Lemon, "Has (Y/N) told you anything that he needs help with." Honey was compressing carbon fiber together to make something colorful, "Huh, why do you want to know?" "When someone gets you a gift you give them a gift back. Now what does he need help with?" Honey giggled, "Well he has a young sister." "How old?" "Ten I think. He hasn't been able to hang out with her since he's got here." GoGo thought for a second, "Alright thanks." GoGo pulled out a blank blueprint to begin drawing schematics. 

It was the end of the day and GoGo made it home with Honey. GoGo was went into her room to try on the clothes (Y/N) had made her. It was very similar to what she usually liked to wear, which makes sense with that Honey probably told him. It was a white shirt, leather jacket, tights, and shorts. It actually felt nice, as she felt cool, but also warm giving her the perfect temperature. She walked outside where it was a bit chilly, but she stayed at the perfect temperature, "Dang, this is pretty nice. She touched her shirt to turn blue, "Woah." She walked inside to begin touching her clothes, her leather jacket turning green, her shorts turning red, and her tights turning purple. She kept changing the color of her clothes as they kept changing colors. Honey saw her colorful clothes, "They change colors?!" "Yeah, I guess so." 

GoGo went back into her room to take her new clothes off to put on her pajamas, 'He didn't have to make those, but I'm glad he did.' She went to bed to arrive at the university the next day early in the morning. he began working really early. After two hours the large lab filled up for her to see (Y/N) walk in with a little girl holding a stuffed bunny. (Y/N) walked to his workbench to look at Betty, "This is my workspace."  Betty looked around, "Woooow, this place is so cool." "Right." Wasabi then walked up to (Y/N), "Hey you ready for class?" (Y/N) looked at him, "What?" "Yeah, our Monday class was moved to today, because professor has a dentist appointment tomorrow." (Y/N) sighed, "Crap." He then squatted down to Betty's level, "I have to go for about an hour. But I will be right back." Betty hung her head, "Okay." 

(Y/N) then quickly run to Honey and bring her back, "Honey Lemon here will watch over you." Honey looked at Betty, "Oh, well hello. Would you like to make rainbow foam?" Betty's eyes sparkled, "Yes." "Come with me." Honey began watching over Betty as (Y/N) and Wasabi went to their class for the day. Half an hour passed for GoGo to be working on (Y/N)'s gift, for Betty to walk up to her station. Betty stared at GoGo for the young woman to look at her, "Hello." Betty twisted her body from side to side, "Are you GoGo?" "How do you know my name?" "(Y/N) talks about how bad he feels for making you upset." "I wasn't upset with him. Just, aggravated that he broke something of mine. But it was an accident." "Do you like the clothes he made you?" "Yes, they're very nice." 

Betty looked over her workbench, "What are you making?" GoGo was tightening a few screws, "Just making something for you and your brother." "Can I watch?" "If you want." Honey walked up to the two, "Hey Betty, don't want to make more colorful things?" Betty looked at Honey, "That stuff is fun, but I wanna hang out with GoGo." "Oh, well okay. Just don't touch anything she says not to touch." Some time passed for (Y/N) to arrive and see Betty sitting on a stool watching GoGo. (Y/N) walked up to them, "Hey Betty. How was your time with Honey and GoGo?" Betty held her bunny, "It was fun." (Y/N) looked at GoGo, "Thanks for watching after her for a bit." GoGo waved it off, "It's fine. She wasn't any trouble." It was then silent for (Y/N) to pick Betty up. Before he walked off though he heard GoGo, "Thank you for fixing my bike, and the clothes." (Y/N) looked at her, "It was nothing." "It was something. So in return for the clothes I made you these." he handed him two small disks, "One for you and Betty. So when she's home and you're here, you can use those as holograms. You can talk to each other, see each other in a 360 degree view, and just connect when you usually can't." (Y/N) took them, "Thanks GoGo, very considerate of you." "Thanks, and I'll be glad to babysit her whenever I can." "I'll definitely think about it." 

The two then stood there looking at each other for Betty to look between the two as Fred did the same, "Huh." The two then awkwardly looked away from each other as (Y/N) walked away. It became dark many hours later for (Y/N) to be tucking Betty in. When she fell asleep (Y/N) went towards the couch, but his phone vibrated as an emergency went off notifying that there was a bank robbery taking place not far from here and to stay away from that area. (Y/N) sighed as he put the phone away, to lay down on the couch. Not five minutes passed for him to have his mask on, military pants, military boots, long sleeve shirt, military jacket, and his guns in their holsters as he was running from rooftop to rooftop. 

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