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A/N: (I am going to write this chapter differently, otherwise it would be hard to understand who is talking)

No One's POV

In (Y/N)'s apartment everyone walked inside for Betty to look at them from the living room, "Good morning." All of them waved back, "Good morning Betty." 

(Y/N) looked at his little sister, "Hey Betty, can you go to your room and play with your toys. Me and my friends have private matters to discuss. I'll record the cartoons." Betty got off of the couch, "Okay." She then went into her room for (Y/N) to press record on the remote control. He then walked to the the kitchen counter, "So what do you guys wanna talk about?"

Hiro walked up to the counter, "We we're just wondering where you were last night."

(Y/N) somewhat gestured to Hiro with his mug, "Helping you with the bank robbery. Isn't that what this is all about?"

Fred looked surprised "How did you know it was us?"

(Y/N) looked at Fred, "One I recognized your voice last night." He then gestured to GoGo, "I only know one person who can create those unattached wheels and keep up with a speeding car." Then Honey Lemon, "Giant colorful foam." Next was Baymax, "And I mean come on. Who else has a robot that looks like Baymax?"

Wasabi shrugged his shoulders, "He has a point."

(Y/N) took a sip of his coffee, "So did you come to arrest me or something?"

Hiro looked confused, "What?"

(Y/N) looked around the group, "Isn't that how it works in like comics and stuff?"

Fred pointed at him to nod, "Yes. You must be taken to just-"

GoGo elbowed Fred in the side, "No Fred. This isn't a comic book."

Honey Lemon walked up to (Y/N), "No we came here to ask you if you would like to join our hero group."

(Y/N) looked at everyone to take the last sip of his coffee, "No." He then walked to the sink and set his mug down. 

Hiro looked surprised as he walked up to (Y/N), "What?! Why not?! You were amazing last night." 

(Y/N) looked at Hiro, "I wasn't even supposed to be out fighting criminals last night."

Hiro looked confused, "Why?!" 

(Y/N) then gestured to the door to his sister's room, "I promised her that I wouldn't do this kind of stuff anymore. Even though my home city wasn't as bad as it is here, there were to many close calls. If I go, she has nothing left." (Y/N) then looked at the group, "I appreciate the offer but I'm gonna have to decline." 

Hiro shook his head, "But-"

GoGo put her hand on Hiro's shoulder, "We've overstayed our welcome Hiro. Come on." With this the group started leaving for GoGo to look at (Y/N), "See you at class tomorrow. Tell Betty that we all said hi." 

(Y/N) nodded, "I will. See you tomorrow GoGo."

GoGo went to leave for, but she stopped at the doorway, "We meet up near the central mall every night. Just in case if you change your mind." 

She then left for (Y/N) to walk to Betty's room and open the door, "Hey Betty, let's watch some cartoons." Betty got up, to head to the living room, and sit on the couch, "Okay." The two started watching T.V. as (Y/N) sat next to his little sister. Betty tugged on her brother's arm, "(Y/N), what did you and your friends talk about?" "Oh, they just wanted to know if I was doing my part on a group project." "Oh okay." The two continued to watch T.V. for (Y/N) to get a notification on his phone. 

He checked it to see a news report. He clicked on it to see all of the crime that had happened over the week. Kidnappings, muggings, and other robberies. He then saw a picture of a little girl who had been reported missing. (Y/N) looked at his phone and then at Betty to let out a loud sigh. Betty looked up at him, "Is everything okay." (Y/N) nodded, "Yeah I'm fine. I just thought of something is all." They then spent the day together for it to get dark soon as the moon took over the sky. Betty and (Y/N) just got done playing a board game for there to be a knock on the door.

(Y/N) answered for a teenager girl to be in the doorway, "Hello, are you (Y/N)?" (Y/N) nodded, "You must be the babysitter." 

Betty walked up to the door, "Who is she?" (Y/N) walked up to Betty to crouch down to her, "Alright Betty, I have to start leaving late every night because of school. My friends and I are working on a big group project." "So now you'll be gone all day and night?" "Oh Betty. I know that this sucks, but its something that I have to do to be able to keep us going. When this project is over I promise that we'll hang out every day. Just the two of us. And hey, I'll have about two hours to hang out every day."

Betty looked down for (Y/N) to run his fingers through her hair to comfort his little sister, "I know this sucks Betty, but if you can just wait a little while longer it will just be the two of us. Can you be my little trooper?" Betty looked up to nod for (Y/N) to smile and pat her head, "Thank you Betty." Betty smiled for (Y/N) to kiss her forehead, "Alright I'll see you in the morning to drop you off at school." "Okay." 

(Y/N) then left for the teenager to look at Betty and crouch to her level, "Hey, do you have a board game that you want to play?" Betty thought for a second, "Chutes and Ladders." "Oh I love that game. Lets play." 

Five minutes later (Y/N) was dressed in his uniform with his weapons to show up at the mall. He saw the group of heroes in colorful costumes on a roof top as if though they were setting up teams. (Y/N) walked up to them for the group to get happy seeing him. Honey Lemon hugged him, "(Y/N) it is so good that you came." (Y/N) lightly patted her back for Fed to put his arm over (Y/N)'s shoulder, "Welcome to the fight for justice!" 

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