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"Mal wake up." I heard Odeya say faintly.

"Fuck off let me sleep Deya." I muttered with my eyes closed.

"Sleep well lovely?" I heard from above me. Now sitting up I looked around and forgot that I must have fallen asleep on Enzo.

Before I could reply Odeya was already handing me my luggage, "Fuck this is heavy M." Me, being in the state of too sleepy to process everything yet, I found that funny. "Haha I know" I said stumbling out of the cabin behind Draco and Enzo.

We were not the last off the train but we were distinctly in towards the back. Once everyone was off the train a big tall giant man turned the corner. He was dressed in mostly brown clothes and wore a brown fur coat. He has an insane amount of hair that came from both his head and beard. You would think he would be intimidating considering his height and appearance but something about him gives off Hufflepuff energy. He seems i don't know.. sweet, in a jolly green giant type of way.

I couldn't hear what he was saying I was still half asleep from the long train ride. Our group started to move. I didn't know where but nor did I care. I simply kept my eyes forward focused on the students in front of me, following them whilst yawing every couple of minutes.

It was extremely dark out and by the looks I can manage to make out on everyone's faces; I wasn't the only one who was tired.

Next thing I knew all 4 of us were cramming into a small carriage. Finally we were sitting down. No one bothered to start a conversation because we were all tired. Draco and Odeya were on one side and it was Enzo and I on the other.

Odeya yawned and laied her head against the side of the carriage. Before I knew it I found myself leaning on Enzo. I could sence his slight smile. He played with my hair for a while before falling asleep too.

We were woken up by a sudden "Here!" yelled from someone in the distance. Stepping outside and looking at the castle was breathtaking. Huge carved stone towers beamed over our heads. The yellow lights shining brightly through all the windows, and torches that rest outside of the castle lighting up the castle grounds.

I didn't get much time to look at the castle. I was soon shoved into the great hall. It was an architects dreams and an engineers nightmare. Four long tables took place in the center of the room. At the head of the room there was a long table filled with what I would assume to be teachers.

"Mel!" Odeya called out. I tuned around to see her with a group of people. I only recognized the two boys that i had been with previously.

I walk over and was immediately greeted by a tall handsome Hufflepuff with light brown hair and honey gray eyes. I was sure this is Cedric simply by the fact that he was the only Huffelpuff.

"You never mentioned she was hot Odeya." Cedric said greeting me with his sparkling eyes as he lifted up my palm and placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

I couldn't help but feel my cheeks getting red. Enzo must have noticed. "Back off Diggory she's mine." Enzo said stirnly.

I glanced at Odeyas other friends standing around us and automatically knew who they were just based off the discrimination Enzo gave eairler today.

The girl with messy black hair with her hand already around Malfoys neck had to be Pansy.

The other girl giving me a death glare because what Cedric had just said had to be Cho.

There's no way i'm getting along with this bitch.

Two boys talking to each other laughing were clearly Jacob and Blaise. Which one was which though..? don't ask me.

The power within you x MATTHEO RIDDLEWhere stories live. Discover now