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"Transfers?" I turn to Odeya in question.

"Yep, three of them." Odeya turns to me and walks backwards with a smile. She was extatic at the thought of new people in our year.

"Hmm and who are they?" I ask enthusiastically mocking her. She skipped down the hall some more. "Not sure exactly, I know is that it's a group of boys. They transferred this morning. I have not seen them yet but i've heard they are all gorgeous." She emphasized the word gorgeous and giggled.

We walk into potions on time for once. Our conversation held as we made our way to our table , "Do they have names?" I asked pulling out my potions book. Odeya gives me an exaggerated look. "No shit they have names Mal, I just have not gotten the pleasure to know what they are."

Draco and Blaise walk in and take their usual seats across from us. "Last night was fun." Blaise laughs. I looked at Odeya puzzled. "What happened last night?" I ask in confusion, not being able to remember a single thing. Blaise turned to me, "How much did you drink?"

"Must have been a lot because I can't remember anything?" Why couldn't I remember. I woulnt put it past me to pass out.

Before I could ask anymore questions Snape instructed everyone to turn to page 48 in our books. "Veritaserum." Perfect. The potion that could convey me of spilling out every little detail of my hidden life. Thankfully we will only be learning how to create the inevitable truth defying potion rather than using it. Each table was to complete the paper assignment on the side affects and ingredients for making Veritaserum. Everyone got started.

"Anyways, you are all going to Hogsmeade for the party right? I heard it's going to be a total rave." Blaise pitched. Draco sneered at Blaises comment. "Of course idiot. You would be a fool not to." Odeya and I never turn down a party. "Where is it?" Odeya asks. Draco is amused that neither of us knew the location of the rave to be. "Secret location. A hole in the wall if you will."

Sounds like fun to me. "We will be there" I assure the two boys. If partying was a drug then Odeya and I were definitely addicts. Anything to escape reality and to feel the euphoria that followed.

What is accentual in order for Veritaserum to take place:
__A full lunar phase must occur in order for the potion to fully take affect.__

Although I did not know much about magic, potions came easy to me. Must have came easier to Draco as he was already finished with the assignment within the first twenty minutes of class.

Odeya was amazed at how effecient Draco was with his studies. Before we knew it Odeya, Blaise, and I were peering at Dracos answers and filling in our own papers. He was not surprised and simply rolled his eyes at our obvious copying.

There was 30 minutes left of class before dinner and all four of us were finished thanks to witty blonde. "What do you know about the transfers?" Odeya asks Draco assuming he knew more about the mysterious new boys since he seemed to know everything and everyone.

"I know that they run with Riddle." Malfoy scoffed. "What do you mean?" I asked. Draco focused his attention to me and let's out a sign of annoyance at my lack of information. "Well it's not a secret my family has a connection with the Dark Lord. Kol. Kol Apollo. He is one of three. I'm not aware of the other two but I know Kol, he comes from an ancient line of royal and loyal death eaters. I assume the two following are too. I suggest keeping your distance from them as for they run with Riddle." Draco states as he twirls his wand around his fingers swiftly in avoidance of following questions.

I couldn't help it. "What are they doing here?" I ask feeling guilty with my constant prying of questions towards the boy. Odeya seemed to be wondering the same thing when she turned to Malfoy in patience of his answer.

The power within you x MATTHEO RIDDLEWhere stories live. Discover now