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First poem, due to all of the kinds of mistreatment towards women I made this. Please, treat all women with respect, regardless of sex and gender...

Oh, I was lathered in sunlight and joy,
When I tripped over a little toy,
I looked around to see a little boy,
I wanted to play ball with him, what a joy!
I asked and he laughed at me; I cry,
I ran to mom in distress, to ask her 'why?'
All she did was say coldly; "Don't be petty, he's just a boy"

I went to school now, how exciting,
All my classmates were nice and inviting,
But this one guy seemed to be thinking
Whatever was underneath my skirt was interesting.
Tried to get away squirming,
Yet, he went after me; fighting,
Scared I yelled for help while crying,
But all that was said to me was, "don't be petty, he was only playing"

I work now in an office, I'm glad,
No more horrible experiences that I've had,
But this one man I work with; he's mad!
Pushing his work away like a lad,
And yet having the best position this place has ever had,
I complain as I finish my work by hand,
But boss says, "don't be petty and mad"

I get out of work, barely rested,
I see this man rather interested.
He used me all completely until I am wasted,
He got up and left me as I cried,
Another man came by and assisted,
He told me I was pretty, looked ready to be tasted
Yet as I cried and pleaded
He looked me in the eyes, "don't be petty, you were the one who asked it"

Now that I lay in the depths of the earth,
All I do is question, what was I worth?
A woman to be treated like a piece of filth,
Was all the beauty I wished for a myth?
"Don't be petty, think of all the wonderful people you were with"

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