Pierres précieuses

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Thank you my dear friend for being the inspiration to this poem, I love and respect you so much.

I want nothing more than to be strong,
Is that too much to ask?
Being tough and sharp,
I want nothing more than that.
Allow me please to keep a façade,
And when I'm lied to I won't fall apart.
Please, let me be strong.

I look at others, dark and mysterious,
Rough around the edges, unknown to most-
Yet it's known they survived worships worse than death,
Killing machines, ready for combat.
They're strong there's no doubt,
No trace of damage.
Even if they felt the heat of hell.

For me, I am see through,
A ghost that dwells by,
People see me and praise me-
Yet throw me away when they're done.
I wish not to cry, and crack under pressure.
I wish not to be disposed of for not being what others asked for...

My beauty is undeniable, my worth unquestioned-
But my strength is nothing to go by,
Oh, how I wish to be obsidian, I would never break.
And stop being a precious diamond that one day will have nothing left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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