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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Sage heard a few knocks on her front door, causing Beau to bark rapidly. She wasn't expecting anyone, so she got up confused, and walked over to the door. She pulled it open, and revealed a familiar set of blue eyes.

"Rafe?" Sage questioned, leaning against the door frame.

"Hey Sage." He said with a small smile. Sage smiled, and pulled him in for a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Sage asked, and he pulled away from the hug shifted his weight between his feet.

He didn't know why he was so nervous to ask her, maybe it was because he was worried about what his dad might say.

"I needed to ask you something." He said, his hand finding the back is his neck.

"Go ahead." Sage said, waiting for him to ask.

"Will you go to Midsummers with me?" He asked, and Sage narrowed her eyes and looked at him confused.

"What's Midsummers?" She asked, and Rafe gave her a look. She didn't know what Midsummers was? He thought.

"It's like a celebration thing, everyone gets all dressed up, there's food and stuff." Rafe explained. Sage nodded, but thought back to her not having anything fancy to wear.

Sage turned around, and walked inside her house while Rafe followed, looking down her back and at her butt.

He admired it, and held back a smile. Beau walked up to Rafe, and sniffed him.

"Well who's this?" Rafe asked crouching down and petting him.

"This is Beau." Sage said, and he smiled.

"Hi Beau." He said, scratching him behind his ears, which he loved. He licked Rafe's face, and Sage laughed.

"He likes you." Sage said, closing the front door.

"Well I like him too." Rafe smiled, standing back up. He looked over at Sage, and grabbed her by her waist.

Sage looked up at him with a smile, and Rafe leaned in. Sage closed her eyes, and waited for his lips to press against hers.

Rafe pulled away before they kissed, and Sage gave him a confused look.

"Okay, sorry to cut this short. You have to come with me." Rafe said, with a smile. Sage gave him a confused look.

"Huh?" Sage asked, questioning his intentions.

"My sister insists that you guys get ready together." Rafe said, and Sage laughed. Although she didn't know Sarah Cameron very well, it sounded like something she would want.

"Okay." Sage said, actually liking the sound of having power and air to get ready in.

"Really?" Rafe asked, in disbelief. "It's not weird or anything, right?" Rafe asked, looking at Sage for an answer.

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