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Saturday was gone before I could even realize it was there. It was Sunday morning now and I had to go down and get breakfast. But when I got there I really didn't feel like staying to eat, so I grabbed a piece of toast and made my way back to the common room. The first thing I saw was Blaise and Pansy making out on the couch in front of the fireplace. "What the hell?" I said and they immediately stoped to look at me. "You and Pansy?"

"Yeah, so?!" Blaise says, taking offense.

"It's just, Pansy's -"

"Pansy's what?! She's not nearly as bad as Paisley. At least she gives me what I want and isn't a bitch about it," Blaise says while walking up to me.

"What did you just call her?!" I say, starting to get really angry. I don't know why.

"I called her a bitch and that's what she is. And you fancy her....it's messed up. You were so rude to her, and for a good reason," Blaise says.

"I do not fancy her!" He knows that he's pissing me off and he does it anyway. Blaise was my best friend; he knew me the best and could always get past my arrogance, and now this year he's different for reasons I don't understand.

"Yes you do!" I let my anger get the best of me and I punched him straight in his face, knocking him to the ground. Pansy's dramatic ass ran over to her, acting like he was literally dying. He better be glad I was able to stop myself from beating him up even more. Just then I hear the portrait hole open to see Paisley and Daphne come in. They took one look at the scene quickly walked away to their dorm, I don't blame Paisley for not wanting to be involved in this nonsense. I decided to walk away just like Paisley did.

I stepped into my dorm which I have all to myself because my father requested it to Snape. The two of them know each other because they are both Death Eaters. They work for the dark lord. My father is a terrible person to me and to other people, so why he made sure I got my own room, I have no idea. He's also been going to meetings a lot over the summer, and I suspect the death eaters and Voldemort are planning something.

I really couldn't believe that I just punched my best friend because he called Paisley a bitch. It really got me mad and I don't know why. I especially didn't know how to react to him saying I fancy her. Did I like her? I don't know. I've never had real feelings for anyone before.

Yeah, I was unnecessarily mean to her. I said I would make her life a living hell, but I didn't mean it. I just had a reputation. It also made me mad how she could say things back to me. She can defend herself against me, but I saw how she couldn't defend herself against Adrian because of the situation she was in with him. I could clearly tell how scared she was whenever she was around Adrian.

It was 9:00 am now, so I showered and put on the Slytherin tryout Quidditch uniform. Once I was ready, I grabbed my Nimbus 2001 and my wand and left my dorm. I walked into the common room and saw Blaise, Adrian, and Pansy talking and Paisley and Daphne walking out. I noticed that Paisley was in one of the uniforms too, so that means she was trying out. I tried to slip past the group of them. "Hey Malfoy, I heard you punched Blaise." Shit.

"I'm really not in the mood Adrian," I say, trying to walk away when he grabs my arm.

"Don't get in the way of me and Paisley," Adrian says.

"You and Paisley? She doesn't want you," I say as I rip my arm away from him and walk out of the common room. It didn't take me very long to get to the Quidditch field because I was walking fast out of anger. When I got there, Paisley was warming up and Blaise, Pansy, and Adrian came shortly after I arrived. Paisley was one of the only girls there other than Pansy, but I don't think she cares. I give her credit her for doing that.

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