Chapter six :P

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*YEET* here's another chapter i have decided to call you guys my little rainwings i got the idea from @isfurygirl also if it doesn't make sense im listening to music so yeah enjoyyy ;)

{carmen's PoV}

I waited at the door of the hospital until the doctor came out and told me that i could see him. I went into the room and i saw him he looked so peaceful asleep. i visited him every day, but when visitor hours were up i decided that i would sneak through the window to see him. One fateful day i decided to go see him (visitor hours were up) so crawled through his window and i saw his eyes flutter open. "Carmen? what are you doing here?" he shout-whispered. "w-well i decided to come and see you." 

{Gray's PoV}

After Carmen said that, i felt happy. Before i knew it, i heard someone walking down the hallway so i told her to hide. then the nurse walked in suprised to see me awake. She called the head doctor and he came to look at me told me i was fine and i went out of the hospital. Carmen was waiting for me so we went to sydney and finnally got to talk to each other on the beach

No one's Point of View 

little did they know they were being watched............

 sorry for the short chapter. Soooooooo how did you rainwings like the story? i have been going through an emotional time but my friends were there to help me! also thank you isfurygirl for being with me from the start! ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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