Chapter 9

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Tring. Tring. The phone rang two times before the call was picked up.


"Hey Elliot, it's me Poh."

"Dumpling! Missed me?"

"I need a favour, toothpick."

"I'm listening."

Elliot was my only hope now. I had called all the other members of URO for help, but they were either too busy to help or too shy to face my mom and her monster-boyfriend.

"Look," I said over the phone, "My mom and her boyfriend are taking me on a camping trip this weekend for some bonding bullshit."

"And I guess you don't want to go?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I want to go!" I said, "But I don't want to face my mom and her boy-toy the whole time. Sooo. . .I want. . .youtocomewithmeonthistrip."

"You want what ?"

I sighed. "I. Want. You. To come with me on this trip."

"I don't give free lunch, honey. What's in it for me?"

"Ugh! I'm asking you as a friend! Can't you just come with me?"

"Nope! I need something in return."

"What do you want?"

"A kiss."

"What?" I gasped, "You asshole! You cunning pig! You greedy shit! You selfish - " How dare he!

"I'm not coming then."

I had been forced into a corner once again. I had no other option. I swallowed all my blasphemous words and took a deep breath. 1. . .2. . .3. . . Through gritted teeth, I answered, "Deal. But after the trip."


It was just a kiss. No big deal. I could do it. Yup. Nothing to lose.

"Good night Elliot," I said.

"Good night, dumpling!"


"It's 8 inches. My toothpick."

"Ufff. . .I don't believe it!"

"You'll believe it when you're riding it."

"Ugh, you dirty whore! I'm not talking to you! Bye!"

I heard Elliot laughing on the other end as I ended the call. This Williams dude was something else. Chuckling, I slipped under my covers and fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about the camping trip.

Soon, Friday arrived in the form of a beautiful sunny morning.

"Um. . .Poh, who's your friend?" my mom asked in puzzlement when Elliot showed up on our doorstep, a big bag on his back and a wide grin on his silly face.

"Mrs. Kim, what a pleasure to meet you!" Elliot tried to charm her, "I'm Elliot Williams and Poh invited me to go camping with you all. I hope you don't mind."

"Oh. . .well, you - you are welcome, dear," my mom gave a forced smile and then glared at me when he wasn't looking. I just smiled innocently. I still hadn't forgiven her.

So the four of us got inside the car - mom and her boy toy in the front; Elliot and I in the back. As dad waved goodbye at us awkwardly, Elliot asked excitedly, "So where are we going?"

My mom and her boyfriend grinned evilly and hissed, "The Haunted forest."

"What!" I literally screamed and jumped out of my seat. I had gone only once to the woods dubbed as 'The Haunted forest' by the locals with my parents when I was six for hiking, and I still remembered peeing my pants when I heard strange noises and saw dark shadows behind the trees. Apparently, the forest was "haunted". And I wasn't sure if it was a lie.

"No!" I shouted. "Stop the car! Turn around! Back to home!"

"Poh," my mom stressed my name through gritted teeth. She was angry. Good.

"No, I'm not going there! Not again!"

"Oh c'mon, dum - Poh," Elliot grinned, "Stop being such a brat! It will be fun!"

I slumped down in my seat in defeat. I didn't need a crystal ball to know that this camping trip would turn out to be a disaster.

So sorry for the late update! School has begun! Too busy! Please vote!


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