Chapter 29 Lady's curse

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Several hours into the war, Daímonas fought with all his strength but soon got overwhelmed by Corruption.

Corruption laughed and dragged a defeated-looking dragon lord, where cameras all broadcasted this worldwide.

"I won!!" Corruption evil laughed caused many of the mortals to cast their gazes to the ground praying for a miracle.

________ An hour earlier________

"Sir," The nurse walked in and gave Max a strange look.

"She's changing into..." Max clapped his hands together and hunched over into a praying position.

'Dear God, please save us from this madness,'

The nurse talked to Max while he nodded along ignoring everything she said, but a cry of pain interrupted them both.

The nurse stood up and ran out of the room, with Max in tow. Both burst into the classroom Hope was secluded inside off.

Max looked at the large black wings that were spread out wide, at least a wingspan of ten feet. A second pair but smaller, at least six feet wide from her lower back. Her hands were tied to the bed, to keep them still.

"She's going into early labor," The nurse rushed out. Hope was wide awake with a pained expression.

"Max," Hope gritted out through her teeth.

Max stayed still, not daring to walk further into the room, so he stepped out and stood outside of the hall, waiting for the child to be born after this, he was certain that her full transformation was going to take place.

"Ma'm please," Max heard the school nurse speak. He closed his eyes and slid down against the wall. Max hunched over and silently praying for everything to be alright.

'I wish, I wish that was my baby, not his,' Max thought.

'I should have been the one making her happy, she wouldn't have suffered this curse if she had been with me,'

A scream sent a shiver down his spine as he heard it.

"Push," The nurse shouted as people began to fill the hallway, curious.

"Oh my, is she delivering already?" asked an elderly woman. Max nodded at the closed door with an uneasy feeling.

"Oh dear, don't worry, your wife will be fine," Max nodded along, not wanting to spook the old woman.

About another twenty minutes went by before everyone felt the ground shake. The nurse ran out, holding a bloody baby wrapped in a blanket and a saddened look on her face.

"I'm sorry sir, your wife didn't make it... but the baby is alive," The nurse murmured and handed Max the child. Max felt his world crumble when he heard the nurse's words.

"Impossible," Max whispered, shoving the baby back into the nurse's hands. He held his head, repeating her words to himself.

"No not possible," He whispered, letting out a crazed laugh. Everyone looked at him as they patted his back trying to comfort the unfortunate fool.

"Wait, isn't that Lady Hope?" Someone from the crowd asked as they peered into the room. Max felt his heart drop.

"Lady Hope?" The nurse asked as attention turned to the young man.

"She's the wife of the dragon king, not this man!"


Daímonas felt the moment his mate died, causing him to lose his attention.

"Hope," Daímonas gasped out, as Corruption managed to hit his chest, knocking the air out of his lungs.

"Pay attention Percy, you're still fighting for your life," Luke taunted, Percy snapped his eyes towards his opponent and fought back, much less potent than before.

Each clash getting weaker as Percy felt Hope's bond weakened. Until he collapsed to the ground, feeling hopeless. He let out a humorless chuckle at the irony, before hazily staring up at Luke.

"Why?" Percy asked.

Luke glanced over the fallen hero and put his sword down, feeling as if it were a waste to use on such a low person.

"Because you sided with the gods, useless gods who only want more and more."

Percy nodded and slumped forward before Luke kicked Percy, causing the dragon king to land into a puddle of mud.

"Such a shame, you had potential, I'll admit." Percy sat up.

"But now," Luke hummed as a breeze blew through his hair, revealing eyes that held a storm.

"Now you're at your weakest point," Daímonas struggle had ended in a mess when he tried to put up another fight, only to end up in the mud puddle again.

Corruption smiled, feeling as if he had won. Grabbing Daímonas by the neck, he hauled his enemy and cast a smile towards the helicopter hovering over the ground, with cameras aimed at them.

"I won!!!," Corruption yelled dropping Daímonas to the ground. He knew this defeat would be broadcasted worldwide.

"I rule the world!" Corruption smirked.

Daímonas gasped as he felt a sudden rush through his body before a roar filled the sky, and out of the dark clouds of smoke emerged.

'He did this to me, Percy' Hope's voice lingered in his head, as he stared into the eyes of his enemy. Groaning, Percy grasped into Corruptions arms before setting his footing properly. Swiftly as possible, Percy managed to throw Corruption over his shoulder, flipping him face down.

Now Luke was in the mud. Percy glared down and stepped onto Corruptions head.

"You killed my wife!?" The question was a demand, and one Corruption took glee in, as he cackled away, until his face was shoved deeper into the mud.

'I have to accept this,' Percy thought as he placed more for e into his leg. Corruption was already doing his best to escape, but Percy's force kept increasing.

'He killed my wife,' A stronger feeling of hollowness filled his chest, only causing more fury. roars filled the sky, as dragons from all corners of the earth mourned for their dead queen and heir. The pain of their king was bringing through all their minds.

Delvi walked out from behind a tree, having recently arrived. Dragging with him an unconscious Max. While Analia walked out with Hope in her arms. The blood dripping from her sent the ragging King into a fit of anger as he removed his feet and kicked Corruption, knocking the primordial against a tree, unrooting it for good.

"Yes she dead, and that stupid baby has been gone for a long long time," Corruption taunted, wiping ichor from his lips, smirking as if he'd won.

"You're so dumb," Analia sighed, as she glanced over Hope.

"The baby is fine actually," Maria voiced out, walking into view as well. In her arms was a baby wrapped in a blue blanket, his little cry caused Percy to turn around, and in doing so, he saw numerous campers and even the Olympians who supported him come into view.

"Hope was a wonderful person, and what you did was awful!" Analia shouted as she gently placed Hope to the ground.

"We believe Percy should hold the throne of the universe!" Chants filled the air before Percy could even move another muscle.

But Corruptions crazed laughter caused it all to stop.

"You fools, that girl isn't dead... yet. Annabeth!" COrruption shouted. From the dense fog that was forming walked out a female figure, and Annabeth came into view in body armor, a smirk of victory mirroring that of Corruptions.

"Why don't we give them a show?" Corruptions question caused a large shiver down Percy's spine before a scream filled everyone's ears. 

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