Chapter 1: Pain

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___________chapter 1______________

Percy's POV

I sat near the lake of camp half-blood. I sat there watching the water move; fishes swim around gracefully, of course, they don't have anything to worry about in their life.

I sighed as a lone tear ran down my cheek. Yeah, I am crying. You can't blame me for it though. With my fatal flaw being loyalty. Betrayal is a painful thing for me. Imagine being stabbed in the heart with a bronze sword that had been dipped in lava over. Then being pierced with it over a hundred times but not only a physically pain, but also emotionally.

I closed my eyes recalling the whole situation from the beginning. It was definitely something I could never imagine, after fighting countless monsters and wars. Those seemed like child's play compared to what I was about to experience. I was once again on a roller coaster of the unknown.

___Three months ago___

One of the campers names was Marco Carter. He was the new son of Zeus, and he was new to camp half-blood too, yet he gave me one look, and I guess he didn't like me. Which I didn't mind.

Soon he found out I was Percy Jackson, the so-called hero of Olympus.

Well, soon he began to despise me. One week after he arrived at camp. Campers stuff had disappeared. I was confused as to why everyone glared at me until I found out the reason behind it.

It began when I was walking around camp, bored out of my mind. I looked around, and everyone gave me nasty glares. I frowned as I walked. Completely unaware of the reason why everyone was glaring at me so much.

I stopped walking when I noticed a female camper walked up to me. I gazed in the other direction. Hoping that the girl would walk past me without glaring and giving me a sneer, but curiosity got the best of me, and I took a glance at her direction. She had black hair which stopped a bit past her shoulders. Her eyes were dark chocolate brown, almost black. Which evidently gave out a dark aura. This girl was wearing the usual orange camp t-shirt, with black jeans which were ripped on the knees. Clearly from training.

She was a Hispanic girl with a well tan. Making her not resemble her father. I don't know her personally, but I think that she's a daughter of Hades. This girl was Nico's new stepsister, and he was very protective of her. I wasn't allowed anywhere near her.

I stared at her confused as she why she stomping her way towards me, apparently angry, and once at arms reach she slapped me. Making my confusion grow more, as my arm found it's way to my cheek. Hoping that the pain would ease with the touch.

I had to time to register the fact that I was just slapped by Nico's new little sister before she had even asked an even more painful question.

"Why would you paint my cabin?" She asked loudly, looking at me with her dark orbs. I took a step back, completely expecting a similar question.  But with everything happening, new things kept on repeating to me.

"What are you talking about, I don't even know you," I muttered softly, no strength to fight this girl. I was just going to let her beat the jazz out of me.

I rubbed my cheek as I stared at the girl confused, hoping to get rid of the pain. She narrowed her eyes at me while lookiny straight into my eyes, searching for any signs of a lie.

"My cabin, someone painted it pink." She stated so bluntly while crossing her arms over her chest. Like she wasn't sure of what to say anymore. It was just leaving me more confused.

"Hade's cabin?" I asked making sure I was correct about her being the daughter of Hades.

"Hades cabin," she confirmed merely after me. I sighed and let my shoulders relax, but not fully. After all this mess, I couldn't fully relax my muscles anymore. I let a sad sigh escape past my lips as I whispered.

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