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The ship that all the children were in went inside the huge ship, which was a billion times the size.

They landed in the ship parking lot that held an armada full of ships.

The glass window opened up, as they landed.
"I'll go check it out." Noodles says. He stretched his neck out. Checking the purple hallway in front of them, and then moving his head back to his body.
"We're all good." Noodles says, and they all walked out of the ship.

"Am I just really small, or is this ship really big?" Guppy asked.

"It's enormous." Rewind says.

"No. No, I actually think it's both." McKenna says.

"Yeah. How are we gonna find our parents?" Facemaker asks.

"I was thinking about that. Ms. Granada found us really easily back at Grandma's house, and I think I know how, both your bracelets." Wheels says. He takes both of them.
"We haven't been able to contact our dad." Missy says.

"Maybe the transmitters in them that connect the three bracelets works like a tracking device. But I need a pair of pliers and a heat source." Wheels says.

"My teeth are strong because my dad's a shark." Guppy says as she chomps her teeth together, making a snapping sound.
"Perfect." Wheels says.

"And I've got a heat source. Heat Vision!" Wildcard says. He puts his hands out, instead, he shrinks down, and a toaster appears in his spot.

"Now he's a toaster." Facemaker says. Noodles picks up the object that now represents Wildcard. Two slices of bread pop up.

"Close enough." Wheels says.

A man in a black suit walked down the hall.
The children were just around the corner. Missy and McKenna had their bracelets back on. They were beeping. It was tracking their father's destination.

They ran across the hallway. Following by Wheels. Then a few seconds after, Guppy. And then Slo-Mo, who was still moving slowly.

"Is it working?" Wheels asks.
"Well, It's leading us somewhere." Missy answers.
"We'll find them in no time." McKenna says.

They crossed down another corner. Avoiding anyone who was an alien.
"Hey! That was really good back there." Missy tells Wildcard.
"What? Turning into a toaster instead of making heat vision?" Wildcard asks.

"It was heat-related. That's real progress." McKenna says.

"I guess it's progress." The boy says.

"You just watch. Pretty soon, you'll be teleporting like it's nobody's business. It's all about belief." Missy finishes.

"Um, guys..." A Capella says. A faint rumbling starts.

"Does anybody else hear that?" She asks.

THE SECRET - WILDCARD - WE CAN BE HEROES¹Where stories live. Discover now