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All of the children were pushed into an also purple colored room, as the squishy purple tentacles pushed them in.

"Watch it!" Facemaker says.

Ms. Granada had tricked them. The president was not who he seemed, they were in a dead end. What heroes they were.

Slo-Mo was last to be pushed in. He landed on the floor and bounced up slowly.

"Quit the pantomime, Slo-Mo. You didn't even scrape a knee." Wildcard says.

"Oh, good. Just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on," Ms. Granada walked in as two black suites men walked behind her.

"You kids are just like your parents. The same in-fighting. The same bickering. Putting your own egos ahead of your own team. Accept for you, McKenna. You don't even know you're own strength." Ms. Granada finishes.

McKenna clutched her hands tightly. The walls began to have tiny cracks in them, as they extended.

"Careful there, young one. You don't want to blow all of us out into the brink of space, now do you?" The woman asked. McKenna released her grip. Unfortunately, the cracks in the wall were permanent.

Guppy pulled out her water bottle.
"Take away her water." The woman said. A purple tentacle reaches for it, and pulled it away. Missy had a serious and scared face.

"They're too powerful together." She pointed at the twins. Another tentacle pushed Fast-Forward away from her brother.
"Them too, as well." She pointed at McKenna and Wildcard.
"They're too unstable. Bring her with us. I'll decide what to do with her." Another purple tentacle reaches for McKenna. Wrapping around her waste as it clutched her arms to her sides.

"No, McKenna!" Missy exclaimed.

"Let her go!" Wildcard said. Confident as he stood high.

"Now, now, Wildcard. No harm will come to her. She'll just be isolated. Just as she's always been, since her dear sister got oh so hurt, because of her." Ms. Granada said.

Ojo clutched her I-pad in her hands. Afraid of what could happen next.
"Oh, don't worry. I won't take away your little toy. I already know what your future is," She pulled out a purple key, which looked like an octopus with three arms instead of six.
"Imprisonment. Life long."

Missy looked closely at the key. She had a plan cooking up in her brain. And she wasn't going to stop, cause' they told her so. McKenna specifically.

Ms. Granada walked outside, as the doors sealed shut. Twisting engineering parts worked their way as they locked the compartment tightly.

"How are we getting out of here?" Guppy asks.

"And how're we gonna get McKenna back?" Wildcard asked. He had a desperate look on his face.

"I... don't know." Missy answered. She took a seat on one of the purple chairs, waiting.

This was also part of the plan.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Miracle Guy asked Marcus as he sat in silence. He had no ideas. Nothing to help get his team out of here. Nothing to protect his children from the aliens that would be Earth's doom.

"I mean... I don't know." Marcus answered. He was hopeless. "I'm thinking. I'm thinking."

"Enough thinking. I'm gonna punch my way out of here." Miracle Guy walked up to the wall.
"I have to save my son." He started punching the wall, only for blue glows to appear. Meaning that there were also force fields on the walls.

"That not gonna work." Blinding Fast says.

"How do you know?" The man asked, and kept doing his useless work to defeat the powerful wall.

"While you were blinking your eyes, I went around and tried everything." Blinding Fast explains plainly.

The suited hero mocked his team member as he kept punching wall. A sound suddenly went off. The force field must've deactivated.

"Uh, you were saying?"

The door of the cell opens. A pink furry animal appears, as it was pushed in by purple tentacles. He started snarling. Ruling up the heroes for anything that happens.

"What are you? An alien spy?" Miracle Guy asks.

Blinding Fast ran up to the creature. He was curious as to what it might be.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Tech-No says.

"I just want to see what it is. Don't worry. It won't even know I touched it." Blinding Fast says. He places a hand on the creature, only for it to throw him to the ground. Miracle Guy went up next, then SharkBoy, then the father of the twins, then Invisi-Girl.
(I'm sorry. I don't the rest of the names.)

The creature pulled its pink furry texture off, revealing the one and only Anita Moreno.
"A-ha!" She exclaimed.

"Anita Moreno?" Tech-No says.

"Hi, mom." Marcus says with a shy wave.

"No, no, no, don't "Hi, Mom" me."

Marcus huffed. Sometimes being with his mom in an awkward situation was super awkward.

"That was pathetic. You stop training for a year and look what happens. Eh? You... dropped your guard," She points to Miracle Guy. "And you... attacked when you should've blocked," She pointed to Sharkboy. "And you rushed when you should've calculated. Eh? I hope your kids paid more attention to me than you did." Anita finished.

"Thanks, Mom." Was all Marcus said.
(This cracked me up by the way.)

"God! How could I have been so stupid! Me and Wildcard. The powerful, and danger of the group. Of course we're highly unstable together. He turned into a friggin toaster! And I... I can potentially rip up buildings. Eh. You know, that actually sounds nice right about now. You get what I'm saying?" McKenna asked.
She'd been rambling on and on about her mistakes, and regrets, and what she should've done.

"Oh, what the heck. Of course you're not listening. You're just a wall." Her face became sad.

"You are such a good listener. You see? This is why I don't trust therapists. Some of them can be nosy... Ah. This is gonna be a long night isn't it. How do you know if it's even night or day in space?"

It wouldn't matter though. Earth was bound to be taken over by aliens.

Sucks to suck, I guess.

THE SECRET - WILDCARD - WE CAN BE HEROES¹Where stories live. Discover now