✎ how they comfort you

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HI HI HI!! i'm back 🙄
I've been a little bit busy because of exams so hey i'm back
this is gonna be a mix of
dv1, 2, and 3!!


- author 1 (astro)

--makoto :> he would panic a little, not really knowing what to do>  comes to your house anyways> brought your fav snacks to cheer you up> listens to all your problems> gives solutions to your problems, he would be an okay advicer> hugs you a lot ...

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makoto :
> he would panic a little, not really knowing what to do
> comes to your house anyways
> brought your fav snacks to cheer you up
> listens to all your problems
> gives solutions to your problems, he would be an okay advicer
> hugs you a lot and also lots of cuddles

nagito :
> he was worried about you so he came over
> brought bagels on the way to your house
> when he first saw you he immedietly walks to you and hugs you from behind
> "hey hey, it's gonna be okay. do you want to talk about it? i'll help in any way i could.."
> you talked to nagito about it
> he gave you hugs while you were talking about your problems
> when you start tearing up, he'll get sad too
> "now now, *pats you* please stop crying, i don't like seeing you in this state" and gives you advices

Chiaki :
> would stay calm and handle this calmly
> I headcannon her as the therapist friend!!
> you both sat down and talked about everything that happened
> her voice is soothing, and that's what makes you also calmed down
> "it's gonna be alright y/n, i promise"
> you both ended up gaming the whole day that you forgot all your problems

Maki :
> "i'll kill them" is the first thing she said, yes
> she looks cold but she has really soft spot for you
> hugs you in her arms, she rarely does this
> she wouldn't really give the best advice but she tried her best as she can to cheer you up

Hajime :
> you both were at the pond and sat at the bench, it's you guy's favourite place to calm down and just talk
> nobody is there except for you both
> he carefully listens to you
> would get a little sad that you Were sad
> a side hug
> pats you and telling you that everything is gonna be alright

Shuici :
> would break down if you cry
> he would know how to handle this kind of situation as he's been through this a lot
> he would give all his attention to you because he knows what it's like not getting any comfort
> very calm but also a little heart brokened
> v soothing and comforting voice

Toko :
> the first thing she does is hug you
> she help you with what ever she could
> "i'm always here to help you y/n, if you need help i'm always here for you as you've always been there for me..partners helps each other, right?"
> idrk how to continue this but she would be good at hearing your problems as she's the ultimate reader or writer right? I forgot her ultimate

doing part 2 !!

also cats r cute

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also cats r cute

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