୨୧ yandere shuichi hc.

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Author's note :

Hey all, it's been awhile since I've last updated this. I won't be regularly posting chapters anymore, but I will continue to write every once in awhile, you can message me here if you have a request, I'll try my best to look into them :) with that out of the way, enjoy this chapter ♡

⚠️ This chapter contains mentions of stalking, readers discretion is adviced. If you aren't comfortable, click out of this chapter. Thank you!

Shuichi knew all too well how illegal this was.

Not that he cared, you were significantly more invaluable, indelible, incredible. You were an idealists' biggest dream, an optimists' highest regard, an opportunists' greatest catch.

Shuichi knew better than to relent his firm grip on you, he'd do anything if it meant he could have you to himself, all to himself. A love so fiery it razed the chill of his masks, his endless facades and cold numbing scars. You torched away the husk that rendered him empty and bitter, ravaging his fortress walls and citadel gates, barging through his offences and placing your flag upon his heart.

You were a saint to him. The most ethereal of them all, the purest, kindest, greatest.

He silently lurked in the depths of the lightless corridor, the one that held the entrance to your home, your soon-to-be-former home, for he'd have you with him soon.

Shuichi felt a smile, a genuine one, crossed his rigid, diamond features, dimples rounding his sanguine lips as his pallid hands softly caressed the orchid - navy as his hair, you'd said how it reminded you of him and sighed.

He'd not been the type to feel much, or allow himself to. Such things were a distraction, he'd assumed. For the most part he'd been correct, but all rules held exceptions.

But you lit a flame in him, one he didn't realise he possessed. You'd nurtured something soft, cultivated something vulnerable within him. He'd resented you for it originally.

However, for some quaint reason, you persisted, tossed more flames into the fray risking your own feelings and heart - to try and be with him.

It was your fault he'd become so forlornly infatuated with you, but he wasn't about to let you slip from him, now was he?


• Shuichi in general is a "quiet" yandere, in short - he's really good at hiding it, shielding his true feelings under an aloofness that was chilling, even for his standards. He wouldn't avoid you, but he'd appear significantly more detached than standard_shuichi.exe.

• However, under the feigned nonchalance, Shuichi is an observer. Eavesdropping, brief staring, sometimes asking queries... He's a smart man. He knows how to make himself appear as a quiet, uncaring person - one with no regard for others.

• He'd rather die than write anything down about you, a subtle paranoia in his mind someone'd know and speak of it. He couldn't afford to have any opportunities be sabotaged and razed before he'd even utilised them.

• He's definitely the type to try and get your attention on him, his envy of your friends - hell, even your mutuals - was growing more by the day. It wasn't fair to him how easily the others could just be. They had much more freedom than he ever did.

• Shuichi had only start to panic when he recognises how his feelings grow stronger, both in vigour and potency. It's as if a separate entity, one built of insecurities and obsession, had started eating away at all the walls he'd built up over the years of his life, replacing his cognition with sudden onslaughts of devotion.

• He'd be very reliant on you making the moves, however. He wants to maintain some dignity.

• If you don't pick up on his extremely confusing and erratic hints, he'll resort to the ultimate level of weakness: gifts.

• Will have to spawn behind you when nobody is watching and give you either something you've wanted for ages, or just heard about a thing you like. You're a bit confused, to say the least. He does not care.

• Would stalk- gather information on you after he learns your residence location, will meticulously plan out everything you do. He doesn't do anything with this knowledge, he simply likes observing you.

• Becomes somewhat murderous when he notices someone keeps entering your home at night. He'd assumed it was a significant other at first, one he'd inevitably get rid of...but you'd mentioned several times you were single.

• He won't get openly jealous if someone harasses or catcalls you, but he'll definitely do something about said people. He knows everything about this city, and even more so about you.

• It better remain that way, he's not above whisking you away to a lavishly decorated basement far beyond the horizon. He wants you to have freedom, but he'd be much more content if he had eyes on you every. Single. Second.

• For now, while you're both in school, he's going to have to stick to ensuring you're in his sight, for even the richest and strongest aren't immune to a stray shot in the dead of night...


Thank you so much for reading this chapter :) I'll be posting here and there when the time comes. I'd not benposting regularly, but I'll try to post when I could.

I actually wrote this a month or so ago, but posted it now because it was in my draft (lol)

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I actually wrote this a month or so ago, but posted it now because it was in my draft (lol)

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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