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Just turn the handle, you can escape. Just turn the handle. I take a slow breath, and just as I turn the knob, he nearly throws himself forward.

His hand wraps around my wrist and I try to pull away. I try. But trying is not always good enough. "You better hope I rot in Amiss, because if I don't, if I just am good enough to enter that Arena, you better watch yourself Vivian. Because who knows when I might strike again."

The acid in my stomach boils and my heart beat races faster than the speed of light. I use my other hand and dig my nails into his skin. He cries out and let's go, jumping back. His face red, upset, mad.

I pretend to be unfazed. I pretend to be strong. "You're no threat. You're just pathedic." And with that, I race out of there.


I sit uncomfortably in my fathers stiff leather seat car. His eye's pierce mine. "One more day." He says calmly. One more day, and I'll be starting the rest of my life, I think to myself.

We near my Genetic Engineering Doctor Daxton Knox. The only doctor I have ever had my entire life. And the only doctor I'll ever have. He is supposed to be the only one to know my genetic make-up. The only one who started it to begin with.

From answering my parents wish of having a blonde haired, blue eyed, smart baby, to straightening my genetic course when it curved.


"Hello Earnings!" My last name always seems to appeal to him. He clasps his hands together and pats the misshaped chair. It's white, too white like it's always been.

My dad stands in the door way, staring at me. I shift uncomfortably back and forth. Daxton looks at him, "Is there something you wanted to address Keith?" Daxton has seemed to always have a problem with my dad, which I understand.

But it's unlike someone to stand up to my dad, he's a government official, the president of Security in Obtain of nearly 27 years. And not many have I ever witnessed tell him like it is. Yet Daxton is one of those people who found that courage.

Keith's eyes flash to Daxtons. "Just make sure she passes tomorrow." His voice is sharp, a slice in my world.

Daxton offers him a crooked look. "Your daughter will do only as well as she is possibly capable of." Daxton walks towards the door. "And I'm going to have to ask you to come back in an hour like you usually do."

He shuts the door, I watch my fathers face disappear. Daxton smiles at me, and I feel at ease. He seems to be a hero in my eyes. Always doing the things I wish I can do, like stand up to my dad.

He also doesn't treat me like a lab rat as I've heard others say. I'm an equal to him, and that's something I cherish. Something I wish all adults would do.

His beard is dark brown and shaved perfectly, never a hair out of line. He wears his purple glasses today, reflexing off of his blue eyes.

"So I won't be seeing you for two or three weeks huh?" He takes a seat across from me.

I shrug. "What if I don't pass the test?" I look around the room to occupy my nerves that seem to be looking for a time to attack.

He laughs gently. "You'll pass. Believe me."

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