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The testing building in Obtain is no where near as nice as I thought it would be. I stand in the overnight bedding area, the air is hot and moist. I don't like the heat. I shift uncomfortably as I sit on the lower bunk of my bed.

Sarah's preppy, idiotic voice pinches my ear drums. "Oh my gosh! So like, I hope I did good. I mean I think I did. I mean I should have done good. I mean like come on, normally Obtain gets in? Right? It will be okay. Right?" Her bubbly green eyes looking to me for reassurance.

I nod robotically, rolling my eyes. "Yes Sarah, you will do great. Better than me I bet."

I'd like to say I am confident in my results, but I don't think I can be. I feel like I took way too long on the written work. The physical was easier though, thanks to Nolan.

We sit on the bottom of a bunk bed, waiting for whatever awaits us. Bunk beds fill the large room, in tight rows. Like an army camp.

Rochelle walks towards us, swaying her hips side to side. "Hey Sarah. Dinner is probably going to be coming around soon. Want to come with?" She eyes her crew that stands a bit behind her, gossiping.

I watch as Sarah complies happily and walks away, leaving me to be alone. How sweet. I'm not the most favored person around here...

I see Lish from a distance, she doesn't see me. Her and I are closer than most people around here. I start to wave my hand and hope she see's me. Finally she does and comes forward.

"Hey!" Her voice laced with enthusiasm. She must feel like she did well. She plops next to me. "How are you?"

I stare down at my hands, they're intertwined together in a fleshy knot. "I should have done better."

She nudges me. "We don't even know how we did yet. Relax."

I roll my eyes then look at her golden hazel eyes. "I bet you aced it." I tell her.

A smile lands upon her lips. "Well, I'm pretty sure I did good enough." She shrugs as if it's no big deal.

Max, her boyfriend walks over. He's always been a goofy kid. His parents odd balls. He has red curly hair, and dark green eyes. "Hey guys."

We move over and make room for him to sit next to us. "Today is the day. It feels weird huh? All those years of us screwing around and now here it is, the beginning of the rest of our lives."

I take a deep, heavy sigh. "Wow, way to make the weight on my shoulders heavier."

Lish laughs and nudges me. "Stop worrying so much."

We stand up and leave for dinner. Dinner is placed in this big cylinder shaped room. I'm getting the idea they have a thing for unconventional rooms in this place.

Tyler, Myles, Renity, and Meesh join the table. People I've grown up with, but never really knew all that well. Lish stays next to me. I sit on the edge of the table, and although I'm sure what everyone at my table is talking about is interesting, I can't help but tune out.

I see him. I see him a few tables down from mine. He's laughing. Everything in me wants to shut him up. He's sitting next to Lacey. She laughs and giggles for days. His hand wanders to hers under the table, asshole.

"Right Vivian? You were there." My eyes spin back to Myles. He and everyone else is looking at me for an answer.

"Uh-huh." I somehow nod. Most of them nod but in a what's-her-problem-shes-being-weird kind of way. Their stories keep going. And I soon catch on that Myles was talking about the time him and I saw these two girls get in a cat fight during chemistry this year.

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