Im back my little whores

Jack the ball sack pov

As I was on my jet I was thinking of how I would break the news that I'm resigning as president and divorcing my wife to move onto a private island with my gay lover.

I came to the conclusion that I would tell Bobby first.

(back at the white house)

"He-hey Bobby!" 👀

"Hey Jack where were you? We have work to do!"

"About that. I'm resigning as president to go live on a private island with Frank Sinatra.😋" I said cheerfully.


"Bobby, you dumb fuck! I'm in love with Frank Sinatra and his tight ass"
He looked at me like I'm crazy. But I'm not the one with millions of kids. Like cheez itz he has a whole damn army.


"Duh, if you fucked him you'd quit too"

"I think you need to be put into a mental hospital"

"uhh and I think your wife needs to be put on birth control but I'm not going there."
I said that cause its true. They're the reason overpopulation exists. Like damn who needs 11 kids?

"Im leaving. Im going to go schedule a meeting.

(Time skip cause I don't know what happens when a president resignes and I'm too lazy to do research cause I'm tired and want candy. Anyways if someone wants my address to send me candy hit me up please 😋😛)

Jackie Kennedy's pov

I can't believe it. I really can't believe it. He didn't even give off gay vibes. Plus WE HAVE KIDS!!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL THEM WHEN THEY REALIZE THEIR DAD NEVER IS AROUND?! JACK IS EMBARRASSING THIS  WHOLE FAMILY.
I couldn't stop myself from crying.

I'll probably get some sympathy.
" The first lady who's husband decided he was gay and left to be with his gay lover on a private island and announced it on live television so now the whole entire world is printing this as headlines on newspapers"

Damn that's long. Like my ex's dick


Jack's pov
I kissed my children goodbye at the airport, while my ex wife was just standing there still in shock. There was tons of people from the press taking photos of me but I didn't care.

I climbed into my private jet excited to leave the rest of the world behind.

I can't wait for it to just be Frank and I. Also some body guards but they don't count. Im gonna fuck Frank on every surface of his mansion.

Uhhhh So I'm kinda scared the government is gonna try and kill me like Princess Diana or something. Also I don't  even know what goes through my mind while I wrote this. But oh well.

For real though ill give you my address if you promise not to kill me and send me candy.

John F Kennedy x Frank SinatraWhere stories live. Discover now