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"Okay guys, line up, we're heading inside." Ward said, waving over all the teens.

"Rose, and I will go in first, Sarah, and Wheezie next, and you two last." Ward said, avoiding eye contact with Sage as he pointed to Rafe and her.

That insecure feeling bubbled in her stomach, and Rafe noticed. He reached down at grabbed her hand, and gave it a squeeze.

"Let's go." Ward said, heading inside. Everyone walked inside in the order of how Ward told them too, and as they did, the crowd erupted into cheers.

"Ward! You're the man!" A male voice yelled from the crowd. Sage felt all of the eyes on her, and when she received no cheers from the crowd, she looked down at her shoes and tried walking faster.

"Hey Sarah can we talk?" Topper asked, pulling Sarah aside. "I thought we were suppose to walk in together." Topper said, giving Sarah a sad look.

"Yeah I don't want to listen to those two's drama." Rafe laughed, pulling Sage away from the pair and behind a pillar.

"I don't know if I told you, but you look amazing." Rafe complimented, leaning against the side of the pillar.

"You have told me, many times." Sage said with a chuckle.

"Well then I'll say it a thousand more times because I want you to see yourself the way I see you." Rafe said, taking Sage's hands in his. Sage blushed at the compliment, and looked down at her shoes.

"Thank you. No ones ever made me feel the way you make me feel." Sage said, pulling him in for a tight hug. Sage kept her arms wrapped around Rafe's waist, and looked up and leaned in to kiss him.

"Sorry need to borrow your girlfriend." Sarah said, yanking Sage away from Rafe. Sarah pulled Sage just out of ear shot of Topper, and she groaned leaning against the nearby wall. "I can't do this." Sarah said, growing more and more annoyed by Topper.

"Remember what I said, it's worse to wait and have him find out the hard way." Sage explained.

"No I know, I want to...but my dad said I can't until after Midsummers." Sarah said with a sigh.

"What? Why?" Sage asked, not understanding how the two were related.

"He said he doesn't want any drama because tonight's really important to him." Sarah said, and Sage nodded. She stood there silently for a moment, before she cleared her throat.

"Sarah, I overheard your dad talking about me earlier." Sage said, looking down at her shoes.

"What he say?" Sarah asked, studying Sage's facial expression, she noticed how she frowned.

"He said I'm just another one of Rafe's hookups, and that I'm just using you guys for money." Sage said, and Sarah looked confused.

"What? No. He wouldn't say something like that." Sarah spoke, and Sage gave her a blank look. "I don't believe you." Sarah said, giving her glare. Sage was taken aback at her comment, and shook her head.

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