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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Hey guys." Sage spoke, walking onto John B's porch. Sage sat down in between JJ and Pope on the outdoor furniture, and she felt them tense next to her.

"What?" She asked, looking between the two. JJ shook his head, and brushed her off. Sage looked at Pope, and he avoided her eyes.

John B walked out of his house, and onto the porch hand in hand with Sarah Cameron. Sage looked between the two, and scoffed in disgust.

"Real mature." Sarah said, sitting down across from Sage, leaning back, and crossing her arms.

"Oh you're one to talk." Sage said with a sarcastic laugh.

"Look Sage, I believe you okay?" Sarah said, and Sage looked at her. She seemed like she was being genuine, so she let her guard down.

"What changed your mind?" Sage asked, curiously.

"I heard him talking about you again." Sarah said, and Sage's face fell.

"What did he say?" Sage asked, but deep down she knew whatever he said would've just made her feel more insecure.

"He said-"

"Nope, no. It's doesn't matter what he said, Sage, you're an amazing girl." JJ said, interrupting Sarah and throwing her a glare.

"I'm sorry, Sage." Sarah said, reaching out and touching her leg.

"It's fine." Sage mumbled, looking down at her folded hands. Although she said it was okay, she couldn't help but feel like she was never enough. Not enough for her mom to stay, her dad, or even be accepted.

"No fucking way." Kie shouted. Everyone's heads snapped towards her, as she climbed the stairs to the porch. "You brought her here, so what, she's in on this now?" Kie asked, as everyone exchanged glances.

"Look, honestly all I care about is her cut comes out of your share." JJ said pointing at John B.

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing, a Pogue thing." Kie said, motioning to everyone but Sarah.

"I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this." Pope said, and John B rolled his eyes.

"Thank you!" Kie said, throwing her arms up into the air.

"When are you not uncomfortable?" John B asked, fiddling with the compass.

"I don't know I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably." Pope said sitting back into the couch.

"It's true, most relaxed I've ever seen him." JJ said, patting Pope on the shoulder.

"That's cute guys." John B said with an eye roll.

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