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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

John B drove the Twinkie down the road as Sage looked out at the sunset with admiration. The OBX always had the best sunsets.

"You got rope?" John B asked. The Pogues plus Sarah Cameron were off on another adventure. Surprise Surprise.

John B told everyone to dress in dark clothes, and be prepared for illegal activities. Sage had on a pair of black leggings and a hoodie, along with a black beanie thrown on top of her messy hair.

"Got it." Pope spoke. John B went down his mental checklist he had, and everything had been there. John B pulled over on the side of the road, and turned off the car and turned around.

"I wanna say thank you guys, seriously. It means a lot to me that you're here tonight." John B said, grateful to have such amazing friends. 

"Always. Pogues for life." Kie spoke, but turned to look at Sage. She wanted to call Sage out about the video, and why they weren't invited to her party, so she did.

"Except one person, though." Kie mumbled. Sage hadn't realized that Kie was talking about her until she looked up from her lap, and saw her glare.

"Kie, don't." Pope warned. Kie scoffed, and fixed the hat on her head.

"I mean I just find it funny that you're out at a Kook party screaming 'fuck Pogues' when you are one." Kie sarcastically laughed. "Kind of hypocritical." Kie mumbled.

"Well I didn't really ask for your opinion, so, thank you." Sage snapped, and everyone was taken aback by her comment.

They expected a huge sincere apology from the girl who never wanted to hurt anyones feelings. Instead, they got an defensive, angry Sage that they've never seen before.

"Okay, well, why didn't you invite us?" Kie asked. Sage dreaded that question, because her friends already hated her boyfriend, so she lied.

"I didn't want you there." Sage blurted. She knew she would regret what she had just said later, and by the look of betrayal on all of her friends faces, she knew she already had.

"You what?" JJ asked, looking at her. Sage looked down at her hands in her lap, and took a deep breath.

"I did not want you there." Sage muttered.

"Cool." JJ scoffed, before he got out of the van. He slammed the door closed, causing Sage to flinch.

Pope just looked at her with a disappointed look. Sage went to apologize, but before she could the van door was slammed in her face, and she was left alone.

Sage watched as her friends climbed the wall, and jump into the Tannyhill yard. Sage felt her tears flood her eyes, but blinked them away. Pope pulled open the van door, and stuck his head in.

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