ᴡ ᴀ ᴋ ᴇ & ʙ ᴀ ᴋ ᴇ

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Ou, I love this song!" Sage squealed, turning the radio up in her room up louder. Sage picked up a few things up here and there, before she started to make her bed. She tossed up her white comforter as it fell onto her bed perfectly.

She threw on her pillows, and a noise in the living room caught her attention. She shrugged it off, thinking it must've been her brother getting home from work.

Sage stripped off her day clothes, and walked over to her dresser to find some comfier clothes. As she dug through her dresser, a strong hand grabbed her shoulder. Sage jumped, before turning around a throwing my fist into the face of... Rafe.

Rafe stumbled back, holding his cheek. He groaned in pain, before he stood back up, looking at Sage with a confused look.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." Sage apologized, lightly grabbing his cheek. She looked at him, and took in his appearance. Bloodshot eyes filled with sadness and pain, while his left wrist had a large fresh burn on it.

"Rafe, what happened?" Sage asked, pulling him in for a hug without hesitation. He stiffened when she first hugged him, because of the recent trauma his body encountered, but relaxed before wrapping his arms around her shoulders taking a deep breath in.

Rafe took a strand of Sage's hair, and twirled it around his finger. Something he always seemed to do.

"My dad kicked me out." Rafe croaked, choking back tears. Sage pulled away from the hug to look at him, but he avoided her gaze.

"Why?" Sage questioned, and he cleared his throat.

"I owed Barry the money, and I went into my dads office to find something to give him for payment, and my dad caught me." He trailed off. Sage interlaced his hand with hers, letting him know that it was okay.

"He beat the absolute shit out of him, and then he told me not to come home." Rafe spoke, sitting down on Sage's bed. He put his head into his hand before he sighed loudly.

"Rafe, you can stay here as long as you need to okay?" Sage said, sitting down next to him. Rafe leaned his head onto Sage's shoulder, and she placed her hand on the inside of his thigh.

Sage looked into his eyes, and although the pain and sadness was still there, she saw a hunger in them. Rafe harshly slammed his lips on hers, pushing Sage back onto her bed.

He climbed on top of her without breaking the kiss, and his hands dug into her waist. Sage winced in pain, but his lips just pushed onto hers harder.

"Rafe." Sage called out, trying to push him off of her but he didn't budge. Sage's heart started to race, thinking back to her past trauma.

"Rafe!" Sage screamed, using her legs to shove him off of her. He fell onto the floor with a loud thud, and Sage quickly sat up, and backed herself onto her headboard.

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