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(beck, 2021)

" Hwan had the scent of lemons and rainy summer daysand Kalen loved all three equally "SYNOPSIS

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" Hwan had the scent of lemons and rainy summer days
and Kalen loved all three equally "


When Hwan walks through the door of a nearby bar, he's not looking for a stranger to take home and definitely not one to confide in, but Kalen is a bartender and an even better listener. Being used to customers looking for someone to burden their problems with while drinking their sorrows away, Kalen doesn't think twice before offering Hwan the same.

They clash. Of course, they do. There's no other option than to do just that when one puts an overworked bartender in a room with an angry customer. 

At least that's what the two of them like to think. Who would've thought Hwan had a favorite candy and Kalen a like for lemons?




Please know that the cast I have picked out with the naked eye is solely picked based of the person's appearance and has therefore nothing to do with the chosen character's: personality traits, sexuality, gender identity, pronouns and so on.

The faces i have chosen to represent my characters are also solely how I imagine them in my head, which obviously means you can picture them however you want :)

A quick side note: One of the side characters — Joe, to be more precisely —identifies as demigirl which is a gender identity where one feels partially female, but not fully. Joe uses she/they pronouns which is why throughout the story, there will be times where they are spoken about with they/them pronouns, and others with she/her. If you are someone who identifies as demigirl and sees anything that seems totally out of place and terribly wrong, don't be afraid to educate me and I'll try my best to fix it. Thank you.


This book contains mild swearing and a couple of situations where the f-slur is mentioned (but censored) along with multiple of other homophobic acts and words. One of the characters has lived in a (past) verbally abusive household which will be discussed in some parts of the story as well, both in terms of conversations and memories. Please be aware of this when reading if you know that it could make you uncomfortable and/or could be triggering, thank you.


I first started LEMONS with no intentions of doing anything with it with absolute no planning whatsoever and if anything seems random, that's because it most likely is. Nonetheless, I have had such a fun time writing it and I hope you guys will have a fun time reading it :)

Thanks for giving this one a chance; the chapters are long (yes, even longer than this intro hfdfgjhfjhdj) and I have a tendency to overuse words, but bear with me as I hopefully progress through writing this mess of what is supposed to be a romantic short story :)))

" Kalen found out that Hwan didn't only have
the scent of lemons, but also tasted like them "

" Kalen found out that Hwan didn't only havethe scent of lemons, but also tasted like them "

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published: 03.02.21
finished: 23.07.21

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